Tiếng Việt

Tags: Hợp tác Quốc tế

June 13,2009

May 3,2009

Greater Allegheny and Duy Tan University in Vietnam sign agreement

Greater Allegheny and Duy Tan University in Vietnam sign agreement

February 26,2010

Penn State Greater Allegheny and Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Vietnam, signed an agreement for academic collaboration on Jan. 17. According to the terms of this agreement...

A Cultural Exchange with Burapha University in Thailand

A Cultural Exchange with Burapha University in Thailand

December 27,2016

On December 27th, the DTU Exchange Student office held a Cultural Exchange for DTU students of the International School, Tourism & Hospitality, Foreign Languages...

Meeting with the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam

Meeting with the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam

March 8,2018

On March 7th, Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost, and staff of the DTU International Relations Office met with the Canadian Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Kim Long, Trade Assistant at the Consulate General of Canada to Vietnam in HCM city...

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

March 15,2018

On March 14th, DTU signed a Certificate of Collaboration with Ungku Omar Polytechnic in Malaysia. Mr. Muhammad Zubir Bin Mohd Hanifah, Deputy Director of Ungku Omar Polytechnic and Associate Professor Le Duc Toan, DTU Vice-Provost, attended...

April 27,2018