Tiếng Việt

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The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

March 20,2018

Few of the universities offering Health Science education include an Odonto-Stomatology option. With the need for more advanced healthcare, there is currently a local shortage of dentists and oral specialists, so the quality of treatment is limited. In view of this situation, DTU will start enrolling for its major in Odonto-Stomatology in 2018, aiming to meet the study requirements of students and provide the community with many more medical professionals...

March 12,2018

April 1,2018

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

June 3,2018

DTU began offering a major in Odontoid-Stomatology in 2018. Over the past ten years, programs in Nursing, Pharmacy, General Practitioner, and an international-level Master of Nursing course in collaboration with Fooyin University, Taiwan have also been introduced...