Tiếng Việt

Tags: hỗ trợ

April 19,2012

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

January 24,2014

On January 23rd, representatives of DTU visited and presented gifts to families in the Cam Le District of Danang, in order to bring Agent Orange victims a happier Tet holiday...

An Agreement with Quang Tri Department of Education and Training

An Agreement with Quang Tri Department of Education and Training

January 11,2018

DTU agreed to assist students and teachers to expand education and research through training courses and consulting. DTU will help arrange and finance projects in preparation for national...

The JOOSS Education & Training Support and Human Resources Agreement

The JOOSS Education & Training Support and Human Resources Agreement

June 27,2019

Sponsored by Nagata Holdings, JOOSS will connect students with Japanese universities where students can study, or help those who wish to improve their Japanese to work for companies in the future. Meanwhile, bilateral cooperation between the two countries is strengthened through educational and cultural activities...

A Meeting with Swiss Entrepreneurships

A Meeting with Swiss Entrepreneurships

August 17,2019

DTU and Swiss - EP both gave overviews of their organizations. DTU talked about strategic educational goals, their Startup Center and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Then Swiss - EP introduced themselves and talked about their experience providing specialized consulting services to universities...

DTU presents Tet gifts to Underprivileged Faculty and Staff

DTU presents Tet gifts to Underprivileged Faculty and Staff

January 16,2020

On January 15, the DTU Trade Union presented gifts to DTU faculty and staff in financial difficulty. Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice- Provost and Head of the DTU Trade Union, underprivileged faculty and staff attended. Dr. Hai said: “In addition to its daily activities, the DTU Trade Union concerns itself with improving the material and spiritual life of DTU at Tet. We are delighted to donate gifts...

Launch Ceremony of “Schneider Go Green 2021” and a Startup Training Program

Launch Ceremony of “Schneider Go Green 2021” and a Startup Training Program

January 8,2021

On January 7, the DTU Startup Center launched the “2021 Schneider Go Green” contest and collaborated with the DTU Youth Union to hold a Startup Training program for the Youth Union, Student Association and Startup Club for students to demonstrate their ability to generate innovative ideas to solve community issues...

DTU Presents Tet gifts and train tickets to needy DTU faculty and staff on 2021 Lunar New Year of the Ox

DTU Presents Tet gifts and train tickets to needy DTU faculty and staff on 2021 Lunar New Year of the Ox

February 5,2021

On February 4th, the DTU Trade Union donated gifts and train tickets to DTU faculty and staff in financial difficulty on the occasion of the Lunar New Year. Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice-Provost and Head of the DTU Trade Union, underprivileged faculty and staff attended...

DTU Helps Out-of-Province Students Stay in Da Nang During the Pandemic

DTU Helps Out-of-Province Students Stay in Da Nang During the Pandemic

December 6,2021

During the latest wave of virus infections, the Danang government continued to extend social distancing and tougher restrictions from July 31 to August 16. All activities were suspended, and residents were banned from leaving their homes. Consequently, many DTU out-of-province students could not return to their hometowns or work part-time to make ends meet...

“Period Pain Relief Cheery Lady tea” wins Consolation prize at “Post-Harvest Technology” Contest

“Period Pain Relief Cheery Lady tea” wins Consolation prize at “Post-Harvest Technology” Contest

January 2,2022

On December 11, 2021, Cheery Lady, a herbal tea that reduces menstrual pain was awarded a Consolation prize at the 2021 "Post-harvest Technology" contest, jointly held by the Youth Technological Promotion Center and HCMC University of Food Industry. The tea was created by DTU Chemistry, Medicine and Pharmacy researchers.