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Gallery of 2015 Learning Express Projects

Gallery of 2015 Learning Express Projects

October 15,2015

Recently, students and lecturers from Singapore Polytechnic and DTU enjoyed learning about traditional craft making in the three rural villages. They spent three days there...

DTU Students Participate in the CDIO Training Course at Singapore Polytechnic

DTU Students Participate in the CDIO Training Course at Singapore Polytechnic

December 4,2015

From November 23rd to 29th, two lecturers and six students from the DTU faculties of Environmental Engineering, Pharmacology and the International School took part in...

The Fourth Season of Learning Express Launched at DTU

The Fourth Season of Learning Express Launched at DTU

March 30,2016

After three previous successful experiences, DTU launched the fourth session of Learning Express. From March 27th to April 9th, twenty-seven students and three lecturers...

The Fifth Season of Learning Express Launched at DTU

The Fifth Season of Learning Express Launched at DTU

March 30,2017

After four previous successful sessions, DTU organized the fifth Learning Express event from March 28th to April 8th. Twenty-six students and three lecturers from Singapore Polytechnic...

DTU Lecturers Co-Author Book on Vietnamese-American Culture

DTU Lecturers Co-Author Book on Vietnamese-American Culture

January 19,2018

Last September, the Lambert Academic Publishing Company produced a book entitled “Communicating Vietnamerican”, by Dr Jim Schnell, a lecturer at Ohio State and Ohio Dominican University...

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

An Agreement with Ungku Omar Polytechnic

March 15,2018

On March 14th, DTU signed a Certificate of Collaboration with Ungku Omar Polytechnic in Malaysia. Mr. Muhammad Zubir Bin Mohd Hanifah, Deputy Director of Ungku Omar Polytechnic and Associate Professor Le Duc Toan, DTU Vice-Provost, attended...

California Polytechnic and DTU Students Jointly Develop Modern Agricultural City Project

California Polytechnic and DTU Students Jointly Develop Modern Agricultural City Project

April 1,2018

From March 19th to 31st, fifty senior students from the DTU Faculty of Architecture and California Polytechnic participated in a special class under the supervision of two architects, Stacey White and Greg Wynn, both California Polytechnic lecturers...

DTU students participated in the P2A Journey On-Campus: D.I.Y. ASEAN

DTU students participated in the P2A Journey On-Campus: D.I.Y. ASEAN

July 14,2018

From July 3rd to 7th, the P2A Journey On-Campus: Diversity.Inclusion.You.ASEAN (D.I.Y.ASEAN) took place at Temasek Polytechnic (Singapore) with the participation of 50 students from P2A members, including 2 DTU students...

The Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology Founded at DTU

The Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology Founded at DTU

September 25,2018

On September 24, DTU held a ceremony to celebrate the inauguration of the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology (VJIET), as part of an agreement with the Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT) in Japan. In attendance were KIT Provost Professor. Satoshi Osawa; Mr. Tsukasaki Yuichi, President & CEO of Konnichiwa-Nihongo Co...

Singapore Polytechnic Students Study and Research at DTU

Singapore Polytechnic Students Study and Research at DTU

October 18,2018

From September 4 to October 13, two students from the Singapore Polytechnic, Wei Jun Chen and Tim Mao Jie, spent five weeks studying and conducting research at DTU in the Overseas Industrial Training Program (OITP) on environmental issues, with the support of lecturers of DTU Faculty of Environmental Engineering.