Tiếng Việt

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Ceremony for T16 Nursing Graduates

Ceremony for T16 Nursing Graduates

October 21,2013

DTU held a graduation ceremony for T16 nursing students on October 20th. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost, Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh...

February 18,2014

The First Medicine and Pharmacology Faculty Sports Event

The First Medicine and Pharmacology Faculty Sports Event

February 28,2014

After ten days of keen competition, the first Medicine and Pharmacology Faculty Sports Event ended on February 27th at South Hoa Khanh, in the Lien Chieu district of Danang...

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

May 28,2014

The 17th Youth Science and Technology conference for Vietnamese medical and pharmacy colleges and universities took place at Vietnam Military Medical University...

More Career opportunities in Germany for Nursing students

More Career opportunities in Germany for Nursing students

December 24,2020

During these times of accelerating industrialization and international integration, human resources are much more important and can determine the fate of a country’s development. The goal of the university is to educate students who will rapidly adapt to new and dynamic career requirements worldwide...

Agreement Signed with German Education Company EduGo

Agreement Signed with German Education Company EduGo

December 24,2020

DTU signed an agreement with EduGo Education International on December 24 to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany. Attendees included Board of Directors’ Chairman, Mr. Nguyen Ba Tuong; Hero of Labor and Meritorious Teacher Le Cong Co, Chairman of the DTU Board of Trustees; and staff and lecturers from DTU and EduGo...

An Agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany.

An Agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany.

December 25,2020

On December 24, DTU signed an agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany. According to the memorandum of cooperation, EduGo will provide DTU with guidance on preferential training programs and fee structures...

DTU Nursing Students Volunteer for Covid-19 Medical Checkpoint Duties

DTU Nursing Students Volunteer for Covid-19 Medical Checkpoint Duties

June 12,2021

DTU nursing volunteers were selected to support medical staff and law enforcement officers manning Covid-19 checkpoints in Hue, Quang Nam, and Danang. With the support of their families, the students wanted to do their best to help battle the virus....

Impressions of DTU Medicine - Pharmacy - Nursing Programs throughout the years

Impressions of DTU Medicine - Pharmacy - Nursing Programs throughout the years

August 7,2021

In the first two years, students conduct research projects in several fields, such as Infection, Genetics, Biodiversity Conservation, Fermentation Technology, Cancer and Pharmacology. After researching on the latest equipment, such as a Large-Scale Centrifuge, a Realtime PCR Machine, AB3500 Seris Genetic Analyzers, a MaxxQ 8000 Shaker and SNA Electrophores, many DTU post-graduates then publish papers in international journals.

DTU Students volunteer to join Covid-19 frontline

DTU Students volunteer to join Covid-19 frontline

August 3,2021

Due to staff shortages during the ongoing pandemic, medical, pharmacy and nursing students volunteered to step in and, on July 9th, sixty DTU Health Science students were chosen to assist at the Lien Chieu Health Center, where they helped the locals to complete medical declarations and procedures prior to vaccination.