Tiếng Việt

Tags: khoa Y

DTU Welcomes K22 Medical Students

DTU Welcomes K22 Medical Students

September 26,2016

On September 23rd, the DTU Faculty of Medicine held a welcoming ceremony for K22 Medical students. Representatives of the Danang Department of Education & Training...

DTU Students of Medicine Excited with Med’s Got Talent Contest

DTU Students of Medicine Excited with Med’s Got Talent Contest

February 5,2018

In the evening of February 4, the preliminary round of the “Med’s Got Talent” talent show and the finals of the “I am a real MC” contest, organized by the Faculty of Medicine Student Union Executive...

The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

The New Odonto-Stomatology Major at DTU

March 20,2018

Few of the universities offering Health Science education include an Odonto-Stomatology option. With the need for more advanced healthcare, there is currently a local shortage of dentists and oral specialists, so the quality of treatment is limited. In view of this situation, DTU will start enrolling for its major in Odonto-Stomatology in 2018, aiming to meet the study requirements of students and provide the community with many more medical professionals...

Come to the Central Region to study Biotechnology

Come to the Central Region to study Biotechnology

March 28,2018

Biotechnology is the high-tech science that specializes in the study of living organisms, such as animals, plants, micro-organisms and so on and uses special equipment and processes to create and develop various products, such as medicines, foods, fertilizers and breeding aids. In practice, this major teaches the skills relating to everyday life activities...

DTU Students Win Big Prizes at the 2018 National Chemistry Olympiad

DTU Students Win Big Prizes at the 2018 National Chemistry Olympiad

May 18,2018

The excellent DTU team of Tran Nguyen Thuan Hoa, Vo Thanh Nam, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen, Nguyen Thanh Mi, Mai Nu Le Hang, all from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine won four Second and a Third prizes at the 2018 National Chemistry Olympiad...

DTU wins two First prizes at the National Youth Science and Technology Conference for Pharmacy and Medicine Universities

DTU wins two First prizes at the National Youth Science and Technology Conference for Pharmacy and Medicine Universities

May 30,2018

The 2018 National Youth Science and Technology Conference for Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities and Colleges took place at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City from May 17 to 19. Researchers from 27 medical...

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

New Odontoid-Stomatology Major at DTU in 2018

June 3,2018

DTU began offering a major in Odontoid-Stomatology in 2018. Over the past ten years, programs in Nursing, Pharmacy, General Practitioner, and an international-level Master of Nursing course in collaboration with Fooyin University, Taiwan have also been introduced...

Heath Science Education at DTU

Heath Science Education at DTU

July 11,2018

Because of urgent, increasing demand, the government has approved a master plan to upgrade the national healthcare network until 2020. Targets include totals of 55,247 doctors, 10,887 pharmacists, 83,851 nurses and 65,000 technicians...

DTU applicant wins third prize in the National Science and Technology Competition

DTU applicant wins third prize in the National Science and Technology Competition

July 18,2018

Ngo Hoang Gia Han was able to bypass all university admission processes nationwide because she won third prize in the 2016 National Science and Technology Competition, and she chose DTU...

Welcoming K24 General Practitioner and Odontoid-Stomatology Students

Welcoming K24 General Practitioner and Odontoid-Stomatology Students

September 13,2018

On September 9, the DTU Faculty of Medicine welcomed the new K24 General Practitioner and Odontoid-Stomatology students. Dr. Quach Huu Trung, Deputy Director of Hospital 199, Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Vice-Provost and Head of the Medical..