Tiếng Việt

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Meeting with Journalists on Vietnam Journalism Day

Meeting with Journalists on Vietnam Journalism Day

June 19,2009

On the afternoon of June 18th 2009, DTU held a meeting with journalists to commemorate Vietnam Journalism Day on June 21st...

June 19,2009

June 20,2009

June 20,2009

June 20,2009

June 22,2009

SPU Students Visit and Study at Duy Tan University

SPU Students Visit and Study at Duy Tan University

June 22,2009

On June 22nd 2009, Duy Tan University warmly welcomed a delegation of students from Seattle Pacific University in Washington State, USA. Attendees included Mr. Vo Thanh Hai, Vice Rector of DTU, Ms Bui Thi Chanh, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Mr. Nguyen Hoai Anh, Dean of International Studies. At the meeting were discussed such matters as training models, the academic environment and student life at  SPU and Duy Tan, Viet Nam. It was agreed that Faculty of...

June 23,2009

Scientific Technology Publishing Holds Meeting with DTU

Scientific Technology Publishing Holds Meeting with DTU

June 24,2009

On June 23rd 2009, the Management Board and the Head of the Library at DTU had a meeting with Mr. Pham Van Dien, Director of Scientific Technology Publications...

June 24,2009