Tiếng Việt

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DTU, the first Vietnamese University to Join VR First

DTU, the first Vietnamese University to Join VR First

December 11,2017

At the “VR Open Day” on December 9th, the VR First organization accepted DTU as its first official Vietnamese member. VR is tasked with introducing the DTU Center of Visualization & Simulation...

The Opening Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Degree Course

The Opening Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Degree Course

December 9,2017

On December 9th, DTU opened the Fooyin University of Taiwan International Master of Nursing program, originating from DTU’s policy to partner with foreign institutions to graduate highly-qualified nurses...

DTU and Queen’s Belfast win Newton Prize 2017 worth GBP 200,000

DTU and Queen’s Belfast win Newton Prize 2017 worth GBP 200,000

December 16,2017

With the project entitled: “Building a Foundation for Sustainable Development: ''Networked Societies” for the Cities of Tomorrow”, Dr. Duong Quang Trung from Queen’s University Belfast in the UK...

Giving wings to the disabled’s dreams

Giving wings to the disabled’s dreams

December 17,2017

The Robotic arms project conducted by a group of DTU lecturers for two disabled children from Quang Nam helped reduce the daily hardships they faced at home and school. In the near future, the team...

November 16,2017

The Young Robots

The Young Robots

December 19,2017

In June 2016, the Thanh Nien newspaper published a story about an eighth-grader with no hands who used a plastic pipe to draw his dreams. At that time, Phan Trong Hieu, who lives in the Dai Loc...

Danang students honored for Innovative projects

Danang students honored for Innovative projects

December 18,2017

Two innovative projects by Da Nang youths - the Multi-functional printing system by Duy Tan University and the Agricultural biotechnology application project by the Danang University of Education...

An Agreement with SEIRE on Nursing Career Orientation, Training and Employment

An Agreement with SEIRE on Nursing Career Orientation, Training and Employment

December 29,2017

A second agreement was signed with the Seirei Social Welfare Community (SEIRE) on Nursing career orientation, training and employment on December 27th . Accordingly, DTU Nursing graduates...

December 29,2017

DTU Published At Least One International Paper A Day In 2017

DTU Published At Least One International Paper A Day In 2017

January 3,2018

One of the indicators of the growth of a university is the cumulative annual number of international publications. In 2017, DTU published 372 papers, compared with 230 in 2016 and 1015 in 2015...