Tiếng Việt

Tags: TU

October 12,2017

October 10,2017

DTU Valedictorian of Economic Law scores 25.5 in the 2017 High School Exam

DTU Valedictorian of Economic Law scores 25.5 in the 2017 High School Exam

October 15,2017

Ngan is proficient at socially-oriented subjects and won a third prize in History and a third in an Environmental Writing competition in the ninth grade, so she surprised her parents...

October 12,2017

October 16,2017

Vinpearl Meets with DTU students

Vinpearl Meets with DTU students

October 17,2017

On October 26th, DTU and the Vinpearl Management Company held a seminar entitled: “An Introduction to Careers at Vinpearl” for students majoring in Tourism and Foreign Languages...

DTU Students Clean up the Beach to Welcome the Upcoming 2017 APEC Summit

DTU Students Clean up the Beach to Welcome the Upcoming 2017 APEC Summit

October 30,2017

On October 28th, 100 DTU students in the American Degree Program (ADP) assembled at the Man Thai fishing village in Son Tra, to clean up the beach in preparation for the 2017 APEC Economic...

October 12,2017

Candidates of the Master of Science Degree in Nursing Program Meet

Candidates of the Master of Science Degree in Nursing Program Meet

October 18,2017

On October 28th, DTU held a meeting for course candidates. Professor Le Duc Toan, DTU Vice-Provost and Dean of the Graduate School; Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh...

The 2017 Electrical Engineering Conference

The 2017 Electrical Engineering Conference

October 30,2017

On October 28th, the DTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering hosted the fourth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Electrical Automation...