Tiếng Việt

Tags: quốc tế

The 4th International Research Summer School at DTU

The 4th International Research Summer School at DTU

August 27,2018

Forty Master’s degree graduates and scholarship seekers from universities in Ha Noi, Quy Nhon, Hue, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang attended the fourth International Research Summer School, from August 23rd to 27th...

August 27,2018

August 27,2018

DTU Hosts the 4th International Research Summer School

DTU Hosts the 4th International Research Summer School

August 27,2018

To assist Vietnamese PhD students to learn how to apply for scholarships to study for a PhD in Electrical Engineering and in Information Technology in developed countries, DTU and the British Council jointly held the 4th international Summer Research School...

August 27,2018

DTU Hosts INISCOM 2018

DTU Hosts INISCOM 2018

August 28,2018

On August 27, DTU opened the Fourth International Conference of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM 2018), in auditorium 702, 3 Quang Trung campus, Danang. It is a project in the Research Environment Links program...

August 27,2018

The 2018 ISITDTU CTF National Finals

The 2018 ISITDTU CTF National Finals

September 11,2018

On July 27 and 28, the ISITDTU CTF 2018 qualifier round took place at DTU, with 300 teams from all over the world. Then, on September 9, 50 young and talented students from the top 10 Vietnamese teams returned to compete in the ISITDTU CSF finals...

Opening Ceremony of Second Course of International Master of Nursing program

Opening Ceremony of Second Course of International Master of Nursing program

October 2,2018

On September 29, DTU held an Opening ceremony for the second course of its International Master’s of Nursing program, in partnership with Fooyin University in Taiwan. The ceremony was attended by Fooyin University Rector, Dr. Chiyuan Ku; Dr. Annie Hsiao-Yun Chang...

Seminar on the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Seminar on the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”

October 15,2018

The DTU International School held a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” seminar to update DTU lecturers and students on this subject. Dr. Anand Nayyar, a Computer Science researcher for twenty years and a DTU Graduate School lecturer, talked about previous Industrial Revolutions...