Tiếng Việt

Tags: Đại học

Environmentally friendly living and our future responsibilities

Environmentally friendly living and our future responsibilities

April 3,2020

The whole world has been stunned by the pandemic that struck so suddenly, leaving no time to protect ourselves. What’s more, we don’t know how the disaster evolved. It started in Wuhan, China, and spread rapidly in just two months to the whole world. Today, 3 million have contracted the disease and more than 200,000 lives have been lost. Covid-19 is sowing extreme confusion as even the strongest powers...

DTU develops hand washing instruction device

DTU develops hand washing instruction device

April 10,2020

Practicing good hygiene, especially frequent and proper hand washing, is the simplest and the most effective way to prevent a variety of pathogens from entering our bodies and making us sick. Clean hands correctly and regularly can also stop germs from spreading from person to person and throughout an entire community...

Da Nang supports DTU to develop ventilators

Da Nang supports DTU to develop ventilators

April 11,2020

On April 11th, a non-invasive ventilator called DTU -VENT was introduced by a researcher team at Duy Tan University to help Covid-19 patients with serious breathing problems. Mr. Huynh Duc Tho, Chairman of the City People’s Committee...

April 11,2020

DTU Introduces non-invasive ventilators

DTU Introduces non-invasive ventilators

April 11,2020

The DTU non-invasive ventilator feeds oxygen to the lungs at a fixed frequency, through a nasal or full face mask, with sufficient quantities of air to stimulate the breathing of patients suffering respiratory distress. It allows ten different position settings according to patient height, to expedite time and ease of operation, with a battery to guarantee three hours of continuous operation in case of power failure...

DTU Researchers develop unique new non-invasive ventilators

DTU Researchers develop unique new non-invasive ventilators

April 12,2020

The Covid-19 virus has already infected 3 million people worldwide and more than 200,000 have died, with new cases occurring day after day. With government support, DTU has teamed a group of dedicated experts to focus their efforts on the research and development of a unique new noninvasive ventilator, named the DTU-Vent, to fight the widely spreading disease...

DTU Promises to Deliver a Twenty-Million Dong Covid-19 Ventilator

DTU Promises to Deliver a Twenty-Million Dong Covid-19 Ventilator

April 13,2020

On April 11, DTU presented the DTU-Vent (version 1.0) to the Danang People’s Committee Chairman, Mr. Huynh Duc Tho, and to leaders of the Danang departments of Health, Science and Technology. The DTU-Vent non-invasive ventilator feeds oxygen to the lungs at a fixed frequency, through a nasal or full face mask, with sufficient quantities of air to stimulate the breathing of patients suffering respiratory distress...

DTU-Vent Version 1.0 Prices at Less than 20 Million VND

DTU-Vent Version 1.0 Prices at Less than 20 Million VND

April 14,2020

According to the DTU representatives, the DTU research team referenced other ventilators on the market such as the E-Vent (MIT), the OxVent (Oxford University), the Medtronics PB650, and the Lowenstein Ventilator. However, the problem is that neither of these is suitable for the economic and manufacturing conditions in Vietnam...

Another Trial Version of Non-invasive Ventilator

Another Trial Version of Non-invasive Ventilator

April 15,2020

The DTU-Vent is a non-invasive ventilator, feeding oxygen to the lungs at a fixed frequency, through a nasal or full-face mask, with sufficient quantities of air to stimulate the breathing of patients suffering respiratory distress. DTU-Vent allows ten different settings according to patient height, to expedite time and ease of operation, with a battery to guarantee three hours...

Future Covid-19 Options

Future Covid-19 Options

April 17,2020

With the whole world going through the biggest global crisis since the Second World War, socioeconomic effects are increasing exponentially everywhere, with no sign of remission. The joint top priority is to kill the virus, however, the initial reaction has been to ensure survival, whereas longer-term socioeconomic development policies must then be implemented to ensure life goes on successfully...