Tiếng Việt

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A Meeting with the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies

A Meeting with the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies

May 6,2018

On May 4th, DTU held a cultural exchange program with students from the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), in Macau, China. Dr. Nguyen Tan Thang, DTU Vice-Provost, Dr. Ha Nhu Hang, Vice-Dean of the DTU Graduate School, DTU students and 25 IFT students...

Purdue University Lecturer Teaches at DTU

Purdue University Lecturer Teaches at DTU

May 10,2018

As part of the agreement with Purdue University, DTU students of the Advanced PNU program were taught from May 4th to 18th by Professor Afshin Zahraee from Purdue. He lectured on Production Drawing & CAD for K23 Mechatronics students, together with two DTU assistant lecturers, Vo Minh Thong and Nguyen The Tam...

Dr. Doan Tranh Visits St. Ambrose University

Dr. Doan Tranh Visits St. Ambrose University

May 14,2018

From April 10th to 24th, Dr. Doan Tranh, a DTU lecturer of Business Administration, visited St. Ambrose University in America to learn about its study environment, how to organize classes and write research reports. St. Ambrose is a private university...

An Agreement with the Anantara Hoi An Resort

An Agreement with the Anantara Hoi An Resort

May 17,2018

On May 16th, DTU signed an agreement with the Anantara Hoi An Resort, attended by Mr. Peter van de Hoeven, CEO, Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost, DTU lecturers, staff and students. Mr. van der Hoeven said: “The Anantara Hoi An is located on the banks of the Thu Bon river and is the ideal resort for tourists to enjoy the culture and peace of Hoi An...

Graduates of the State University of New York in Oswego Intern at DTU

Graduates of the State University of New York in Oswego Intern at DTU

May 19,2018

On May 18th, the DTU Center for Visualization & Simulation (CVS) met Professor Damian Schofield and seven graduates from the State University of New York, in Oswego (SUNY-Oswego), in America. Dr. Tromp, Director of the DTU Center for Visualization & Simulation...

“Marketing in the Digital Age” Seminar

“Marketing in the Digital Age” Seminar

May 17,2018

On May 16th, the DTU International School and the Code Engine Studio held a seminar entitled: “Marketing in the Digital Age”. Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Dean of the DTU International School, Mr. Serge Yurovsky, Account Director of the Code Engine Studio...

May 22,2018

Talented Students Shine at the 2018 DTU Student Talent and Beauty Contest

Talented Students Shine at the 2018 DTU Student Talent and Beauty Contest

May 22,2018

Fulfilling the expectations of students from the Danang region, the finals of the 2018 DTU Student Talent and Beauty Contest, held on May 20th at the Trung Vuong theatre, surprised and enraptured the audience, with professional organization and many exciting performances, leading to the crowning of Mister and Miss DTU...

DTU PNU Advanced Program Students Receive Certificates of Completion

DTU PNU Advanced Program Students Receive Certificates of Completion

May 19,2018

On May 18th, DTU awarded Certificates of Course Completion for the Introduction to Engineering Technology and Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology courses to students of the Advanced PNU program. Professor Yoonil Lee and Professor Afshin Zahraee from PNU...

DTU Students Come Second in the 2018 VNPT Secathon Competition

DTU Students Come Second in the 2018 VNPT Secathon Competition

May 23,2018

DTU students continue to win big prizes in Information Security competitions. The 2nd annual finals of the VNPT Secathon competition took place at the Hanoi Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology on May 17th, and DTU proved its competency by coming 2nd out of 40 teams...