Tiếng Việt

Tags: dtu

DTU Attends 2019 P2A Annual Conference

DTU Attends 2019 P2A Annual Conference

April 9,2019

The Passage to ASEAN or P2A was founded in June 2012 by Rangsit University in Thailand, Duy Tan University in Vietnam, the National University of Laos, Norton University in Cambodia and the Myanmar Computer Institute. With the goal of connecting and strengthening the collaboration and communications among universities in Southeast Asia...

DTU Awards Scholarships to High School Students

DTU Awards Scholarships to High School Students

April 10,2019

On April 7th, DTU held an entrance exam for applicants to the CMU, CSU, PSU and PNU advanced programs. On this occasion, Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Dean of the DTU International School, and Mr. Dang Ngoc Trung, Director of the DTU Enrollment Center, awarded scholarships worth 100 million dong to one hundred leading students from Danang and Quang Nam...

Working as an Architect while Still Studying

Working as an Architect while Still Studying

April 14,2019

Only after graduation can one carry titles such as engineer, architect, doctor, or lawyer. At several architectural companies, however, even students working there as interns can be affectionately called “architect” by their clients. This can only be explained as recognition of their high level of knowledge and their professional working style...

Prize-winner in National Excellent Student Contest Admitted Directly to DTU

Prize-winner in National Excellent Student Contest Admitted Directly to DTU

April 14,2019

For its 2019 enrollment season, DTU has started accepting direct enrollment applications from national skilled student contest laureates, such as Vo Thi Thuy Trang from Nguyen Binh Khiem High School for the Gifted in Quang Nam, who will receive a full scholarship for the Marketing Administration and Planning Talented program, and Nguyen Thi Lam Anh from Le Quy Don High School...

Science and Technology Department to DTU on Work Visit

Science and Technology Department to DTU on Work Visit

April 15,2019

In order to improve the circular with guidelines for the development of strong research groups and the draft proposal for developing investment policy mechanisms for the development of laboratories and research programs at several key universities, a Science and Technology Department delegation surveyed twenty universities throughout the country...

Screening and Seminar on Alexandre de Rhodes Memorial Inauguration at Armenian Cemetery, Isfahan, Iran

Screening and Seminar on Alexandre de Rhodes Memorial Inauguration at Armenian Cemetery, Isfahan, Iran

April 16,2019

On April 13, a seminar with film screening about the inauguration ceremony for the Father Alexandre de Rhodes memorial at the Armenian Cemetery in Isfahan, Iran, took place at Duy Tan University, 03 Quang Trung campus. It was attended by Hero of Labor and Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President...

Studying Information Security with DTU Specialists

Studying Information Security with DTU Specialists

April 17,2019

Thousands of internet attacks to steal information occur everywhere every single day, making the cyber world insecure and unsafe. This insecurity has turned information security specialists into a prime target for headhunters. To learn more about the state of affairs, we met with Prof. Nguyen Kim Tuan, Director of the School of Information Security at the DTU Faculty of Information Technology...

DTU Scientist Wins Second Prize at Medicine Conference

DTU Scientist Wins Second Prize at Medicine Conference

May 22,2019

Participating in the first scientific conference on “Biotechnology and Biomedicine Applications in Clinical Medicine”, MD Hoang Ha, Deputy Director of the DTU Institute for Research and Training in Medicine, Biology, and Pharmacy, won a second prize for his paper entitled: “Plasmodium knowlesi malaria parasite transmission from monkeys...

An Exchange Meeting with Professor Martin Howard from University College Cork in Ireland

An Exchange Meeting with Professor Martin Howard from University College Cork in Ireland

April 21,2019

On April 18 and 19, the DTU Office of International Relations met with Professor Martin Howard from the University College of Cork in Ireland to discuss innovative ways of teaching foreign languages. The objective of the meeting was to explore methods of teaching English at DTU and also a future partnership with UCC, to broaden the internationalization of DTU...

The 5th “Building a Bridge across the Milky Way” Competition at DTU

The 5th “Building a Bridge across the Milky Way” Competition at DTU

April 24,2019

To offer students in the city a playground to demonstrate their creativity and learning abilities with experts in the Architecture and Construction, DTU organized the fifth “Building a Bridge across the Milky Way” competition on April 21. More than 120 students in 34 teams took part, with 17 teams of DTU students and 17 teams of high school students from senior high schools around Danang...