Tiếng Việt

Tags: Sinh viên duy tân

Halloween at DTU

Halloween at DTU

October 31,2013

On October 31st, a Halloween festival was organized by DTU Foreign Language Department to thrill their audience...

The DTU Cheerleading Team Trains with the Appalachian State University Coach

The DTU Cheerleading Team Trains with the Appalachian State University Coach

November 5,2013

As part of the Faculty Exchange program between DTU and Appalachian State University (ASU), Ms Catrina Wold, who has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science, is training...

The 2013 Mobile Application Renovation Contest

The 2013 Mobile Application Renovation Contest

November 29,2013

The 22nd Informatics Olympiad for Vietnamese students and the 38th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) were held at DTU on November 28th...

DTU Enters the 2013 National Finals of the Futsal U-League Competition

DTU Enters the 2013 National Finals of the Futsal U-League Competition

December 3,2013

DTU and the Danang Technical University of Medicine and Pharmacy met in the finals of the 2013 Regional Futsal U-League competition. With a score of 5-4, the DTU team entered...

Undergraduate Thesis Defense Interviews for Second Degree Programs

Undergraduate Thesis Defense Interviews for Second Degree Programs

December 2,2013

DTU held undergraduate thesis defense interviews for B16 second degrees from November 22nd to December 12nd. Participants included Mr. Ho Ha Dong, Manager of the DTU...

The First Anniversary of the Founding of the DTU Faculty of Pharmacology

The First Anniversary of the Founding of the DTU Faculty of Pharmacology

December 17,2013

The DTU Faculty of Pharmacology celebrated its first anniversary on December 14th. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost and lecturers...

More Job Opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU CMU Students

More Job Opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU CMU Students

December 19,2013

For students to learn more about career opportunities, the DTU International School held a meeting entitled: “Job opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU Students...

Cultural Exchange Workshop between DTU Students and P2A IBI Darmajaya

Cultural Exchange Workshop between DTU Students and P2A IBI Darmajaya

December 20,2013

As part of the P2A program, a cultural exchange workshop was held at DTU for the P2A IBI Darmajaya delegation from Indonesia on December 19th. Family life, education...

Meeting K19 students

Meeting K19 students

December 31,2013

DTU held meetings with K19 students from December 10th to 30th to announce their results for the first semester and to develop plans for the second. Attendees included representatives...

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

December 31,2013

On December 29th, DTU held a graduation ceremony for B17 Second Degree students. Attendees included Mr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost and Head of Academic Affairs...