Tiếng Việt

Tags: DT

Third Live-Streamed Enrollment Consultation: Health Sciences

Third Live-Streamed Enrollment Consultation: Health Sciences

June 3,2019

At 7pm on May 30, hundreds of applicants visited DTU’s fan page for the third live-streamed enrollment consultation broadcast, this time on Health Science. They asked questions and listened to the responses of the DTU lecturers, to get a clearer understanding about the majors and the DTU admissions policies and incentives...

A Meeting with the French Embassy

A Meeting with the French Embassy

June 4,2019

On May 30, Hero of Labor and Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President, and staff welcomed the university coordination team from the French embassy, represented by Mr. Bastien Palermo-Chevillard, University Coordinator, Ms. Mai Thi Nhi, Director of the French Institute in Danang, and others...

Humanities Education in Higher Education Seminar

Humanities Education in Higher Education Seminar

June 7,2019

Humanities courses were proposed by Dr. Tran Hai Yen from the Institute of Literature, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Nhan, from Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city, Dr. Tran Thi Anh Nguyet from DTU and Ms. Phan Thi Tra, from Thu Dau Mot University, who suggested that our cultural studies should be integrated with humanitarian education...

June 7,2019

June 10,2019

DTU Faculty of Medicine Visits Children with Cancer

DTU Faculty of Medicine Visits Children with Cancer

June 3,2019

June is “Action Month for Children”, when a series of charitable activities are held to help young hospital patients and children from families in difficulty all over the country. On June 1, the DTU Faculty of Medicine social work team participated by arranging their own “Together with children with cancer” program, which brought happiness to patients at the Danang Oncology Hospital...

Fifth Live-streamed Enrollment Consultation: Accounting & Auditing - Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Integration

Fifth Live-streamed Enrollment Consultation: Accounting & Auditing - Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Integration

June 8,2019

Throughout the 2019 enrollment season, Accounting & Auditing is being the major applicants are most interested in and ask most questions about. To answer their and their parents’ questions, DTU held its fifth live - stream enrollment consultation on the topic “Accounting & Auditing - opportunities and challenges in times of integration” through the Facebook social network at 7 pm on June 7...

The 2019 DTU Graduation Ceremony

The 2019 DTU Graduation Ceremony

June 9,2019

On June 8, DTU held a ceremony for 2019 Masters and Bachelor degree graduates. The DTU Board of Provosts, faculty deans, department centers, lecturers, students, families and friends attended. After four years of hard work, graduates were overjoyed to receive their degrees, as proof of their successful experience on the road of learning at DTU...

June 12,2019

DTU Talk Show “Vo Trong Nghia - Architecture and Zen”

DTU Talk Show “Vo Trong Nghia - Architecture and Zen”

June 14,2019

On June 10, the DTU Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts held a Talk Show entitled “Architecture and Zen” with guest speaker, Architect Vo Trong Nghia. The event was of great interest to the many DTU architecture lecturers, students and alumni who attended, as well those from other universities, because of the insight it gave them into future careers in Architecture...