Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTu

DTU Wins Third Prize at 2019 ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security

DTU Wins Third Prize at 2019 ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security

December 5,2019

On November 3, in Hanoi, twelve finalists competed in the 2019 ASEAN Student Contest on Information Security, from North, Central and South Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand. The ISITDTU and ISITDTU2 teams from DTU, the best from Central Vietnam, reaffirmed their strength, taking a third prize and a ranked fourth in the list...

Opening of Master of Applied Journalism Course at DTU

Opening of Master of Applied Journalism Course at DTU

December 5,2019

On December 4, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and Vietnam National University in Hanoi joined in the opening ceremony of the first year of the new Master of Applied Journalism course in Danang, aimed to improve the quality of journalists in central Vietnam and throughout the country...

Let’s Vote for the two DTU Lecturers competing for 2019 Vietnam Golden Globe Awards

Let’s Vote for the two DTU Lecturers competing for 2019 Vietnam Golden Globe Awards

December 6,2019

The Vietnam Golden Globe Awards for talented young academics are presented annually by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee and the Ministry of Science and Technology for outstanding achievements in science and technology education. In 2019, DTU is proud that two of its lecturers have already become two of the top twenty...

DTU Participates in Vietnam-Myanmar Education Cooperation Forum

DTU Participates in Vietnam-Myanmar Education Cooperation Forum

December 11,2019

On December 2nd, the Vietnam Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar and the Ministries of Education and Training in Vietnam and Myanmar held a Vietnam-Myanmar education cooperation forum in Yangon, Myanmar, to promote partnerships among educational institutions of the two countries...

Sixth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Electrical Automation

Sixth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Electrical Automation

December 11,2019

On December 10, DTU held its sixth Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Electrical Automation to promote applied research and allow researchers, lecturers and Electrical Engineering students the opportunity to develop partnerships. Dr. Ha Dac Binh, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, said: “The Conference on Electronics...

International Seminar on Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

International Seminar on Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

October 24,2019

On October 23, in Danang, the DTU Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) program was launched at its first international seminar. SCM will be a new and unique Bachelor degree program to be offered by DTU in the Central Region. The seminar was entitled: “The Korea - Vietnam Partnership - International Cooperation in Education and Industry”, was held at the DTU campus in Hoa Khanh...

An Agreement with the Hoiana Integrated Resort

An Agreement with the Hoiana Integrated Resort

December 24,2019

On December 19, the DTU Institute for Hospitality & Tourism Education & Research signed a comprehensive agreement with the Hoiana Integrated Resort in Quang Nam province. Attendees included Mr. Benoit Amado, Director of the Rosewood Hotel; Dr. Lim Sang-taek, Director of the Hospitality & Tourism Institute; DTU lecturers, staff and students...

Amateur Filmmaking Workshop

Amateur Filmmaking Workshop

December 25,2019

On December 21, DTU ran a workshop on amateur filmmaking, featuring YouTuber Tran Manh Cuong, a well-known face on the Vietnamese movie scene, together with lecturers and students of Architecture, and others. Movies and video clips produced by young filmmakers have recently grown into immensely attractive “nurture for the mind”...

DTU Students Win Second prize at the

DTU Students Win Second prize at the "Seeding Your Idea" Startup Contest

December 26,2019

On December 13, the VinTech City and Business Startup Support Center (BSSC) jointly held the “Seeding Your Idea" Startup Contest and DTU students took second place for their “SMartbed” project. Ms. Truong Ly Hoang Phi, General Director of VinTech City and Deputy Chairperson of the HCM Young Business Association said: "This is a happy day for VinTech City, as our excellent partnership with BSSC...

Recruitment Opportunities at HOIANA

Recruitment Opportunities at HOIANA

December 26,2019

On December 26, the Hoiana Integrated Resort began interviewing and recruiting staff from DTU. Attendees included Ms. Pham Quynh Anh, Head of Recruitment at Hoiana, Dr. Bui Kim Luan, Vice Director of the DTU Hospitality & Tourism Institute, DTU lecturers, staff and students...