Tiếng Việt

Tags: Quốc tế

DTU Lecturer Receives Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation

DTU Lecturer Receives Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation

January 28,2019

Dr. Anand Nayyar, a lecturer at the International School and researcher in the Institute for Research and Development at DTU, received a Best Paper award at the recent 3rd International Conference on Data Management, Analytics & Innovation (ICDMAI) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was entitled “Effective Classification & Handling of Incoming Data Packets in Mobile Adhoc Networks...

January 29,2019

International Relations - The major for diplomats of the future

International Relations - The major for diplomats of the future

March 7,2019

Strong international diplomacy skills are becoming increasingly vital as Vietnam integrates with the world. They are essential for the country’s prestige and intra-governmental political and business affairs. We talked with Dr. Tran Xuan Hiep, Dean of the DTU Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities...

Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung Publishes in a Prestigious International Journal

Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung Publishes in a Prestigious International Journal

March 12,2019

The UK IOPScience journal, Reports on Progress in Physics (RoPP), published a review entitled “Pairing in excited nuclei”, summarizing the work of Associate Professor Nguyen Quang Hung, Director of the DTU Institute of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IFAS); Dr. Nguyen Dinh Dang, from RIKEN, in Japan; and Professor Luciano Moretto, from the University of California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory...

International Student Exchange Opportunities for DTU Hospitality Students

International Student Exchange Opportunities for DTU Hospitality Students

March 28,2019

Tran Doan Cong Thanh has travelled widely since he was a high school student and learns much about the world by observing the local attractions, the culture and the people in the places he visits. When he first came to Danang, he immediately decided to live in this seaside city, although he was born and grew up in Dong Nai province...

Exchange Program with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Exchange Program with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

April 2,2019

On March 29, DTU held a meeting, entitled “Culture in Central Vietnam - Trends in Human Resource Training for International Integration”. Attendees included delegates from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Dr. Do Thi Thanh Binh, Dean of the Graduate School at the academy, Dr. Nguyen Tan Thang, DTU Vice-Provost, staff, lecturers and students...

DTU Awards Scholarships to High School Students

DTU Awards Scholarships to High School Students

April 10,2019

On April 7th, DTU held an entrance exam for applicants to the CMU, CSU, PSU and PNU advanced programs. On this occasion, Mr. Nguyen Duc Man, Dean of the DTU International School, and Mr. Dang Ngoc Trung, Director of the DTU Enrollment Center, awarded scholarships worth 100 million dong to one hundred leading students from Danang and Quang Nam...

Advanced International On-site Programs in Central Region

Advanced International On-site Programs in Central Region

April 16,2019

Universities must attach a special importance to the steady improvement of educational quality and international integration to develop successfully. Because of this, DTU has created the International School, specializing in partnering on advanced on-site programs in preparation for overseas exchanges. After ten years, the International School is well-known...

The number of international publications by university research teams is still too low

The number of international publications by university research teams is still too low

May 1,2019

37% of lecturers have no international ISI/Scopus publications. Only 34% have more than five. These numbers reveal the degree of international-level integration of Vietnamese researchers. These are some of the results of the survey carried out at forty Vietnamese universities as part of a 2016 - 2020 National Science and Technology project...

The DTU Internet of Things Design and Implementation Grand Final

The DTU Internet of Things Design and Implementation Grand Final

May 3,2019

The judge awarded first prize to the project “Applying IoT technology to sericulture”, developed by students of Electrical Engineering. Second prize was awarded to projects “Applying IoT technology to smart clean vegetable garden” and “An additional lighting system to smart garden using LED lamps”, also by Electrical Engineering students...