Tiếng Việt

Tags: DT

“DTU Schoolyard Melody” Unites Music Lovers

“DTU Schoolyard Melody” Unites Music Lovers

October 22,2020

On October 21, the first performance of the “DTU Schoolyard Melody” musical event was launched at the 120 Hoang Minh Thao campus and hundreds of students joined in the lively singing in the forecourt during breaks. This artistic event will be regularly held at all DTU campuses and recorded for broadcasting every month on dtuTV, the university information and entertainment channel...

An Agreement with Danang International Airport

An Agreement with Danang International Airport

October 23,2020

On October 22, DTU signed an agreement with the Danang International Airport (DIA) to allow students to broaden their knowledge, skills and career prospects. In attendance were Mr. Le Hoai Nam, Vice-Director of the Danang International Airport; Mr. Le Khanh Tung, Director of the DIA Training center; Mr. Nguyen Tien Dan, Vice-Manager of the DIA Engineering Department; Mr. Huynh Van Tan, Vice-Director of the DIA Operation Center...

A Talk Show, with a presentation of the Fire book, by Painter Du Du

A Talk Show, with a presentation of the Fire book, by Painter Du Du

October 26,2020

On October 23, DTU held a talk show where painter Du Du presented her book entitled Fire. The event was attended by lecturers and students and warmly received by all. Painter Du Du, whose real name is Nguyen Thi Du Du, graduated from the Hue University of Fine Arts in 1986 and is a member of the Vietnam Fine Arts Association, the Alliance of Arts & Literature Associations of Danang...

The 2020 DTU Graduation Ceremony

The 2020 DTU Graduation Ceremony

October 29,2020

On October 24, DTU held a ceremony for Bachelor degree graduates and Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and Associate Bachelors. The DTU Board of Provosts, Deans, lecturers, new graduates, families and friends attended. “First of all, I’d like to congratulate you all for having overcome all the challenges on your mission of study and research, to finally reach the end of your long journey today,”...

DTU meets with Consulate General of South Korea in Danang

DTU meets with Consulate General of South Korea in Danang

October 28,2020

On October 27, Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Provost, Dr. Le Thi Ngoc Cam, Dean of the Korean language faculty, and International Relations staff met with Mr. Ahn Min-sik, the South Korean Consul General for Danang; Ms. Choi Kyeong Joo, Diplomatic Attaché and Mr. Kim Dae Eun, Consulate staff...

DTU team enters the finals of the 2020 Festival for Propaganda Teams, performing Revolutionary Songs

DTU team enters the finals of the 2020 Festival for Propaganda Teams, performing Revolutionary Songs

November 2,2020

On October 17, DTU won second prize in the preliminary round of the 2020 Festival for Propaganda Teams singing revolutionary songs, with one entitled “Epic of Immortality”. The event was organized by the Standing Committee of the Danang City Youth Union and the winners will now move on to the finals...

ISIT-DTU1 is the Only team in the Central Region to advance to the 2020 ASEAN Student Information Security Finals

ISIT-DTU1 is the Only team in the Central Region to advance to the 2020 ASEAN Student Information Security Finals

November 7,2020

Ten Vietnamese teams and six others from ASEAN countries will participate in the final round of the 2020 ASEAN Student Information Security Contest. The contest consists of preliminary, qualifying and final rounds, jointly organized by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA), the Ministry of Information Security and Communications and the Ministry of Education and Training’s Information...

DTU students are excited to participate in the “Good things take time” workshop

DTU students are excited to participate in the “Good things take time” workshop

November 9,2020

On November 9, DTU held a workshop entitled “Good things take time”. Attendees included Mr. Phan The Duc, Director of the TOCPPION Group of central Vietnam, Mr. Truong Tien Vu, Director of DTU Startup center, Ms. Nguyen Huu Nhi, Campus Director of Hult Prize DTU staff and students...

26th University Anniversary and 2020-2021 Opening Ceremony

26th University Anniversary and 2020-2021 Opening Ceremony

November 12,2020

On November 11, DTU commemorated its 26th anniversary and the opening of the new academic year. Invitees, business representatives and alumni enjoyed the event together and looked back on the challenges and achievements over the university’s 26 years of development...

DTU Students and Community Service

DTU Students and Community Service

November 12,2020

Mr. Ngo Dinh Nam, Secretary of the DTU Medical Union, recruited 150 Health Sciences students in response to an appeal by the Danang People’s Committee and the Danang Health Department to combat the virus. Six DTU volunteers also assisted frontline healthcare workers at the Hoa Vang field hospital from August 6 to 29 and another 23 trained to work at the at the Tien Son Sports Center field hospital...