Tiếng Việt

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Cultural Exchange with Mariano Marcos State University in the Philippines

Cultural Exchange with Mariano Marcos State University in the Philippines

May 8,2019

The students got to know each other though lively musical performances and took turns to give overviews about their countries and cultures, covering places to visit, traditional costume, local cuisine and tourist attractions. They discussed study experiences, tips on how to win international scholarships, how to conduct themselves at job interviews and so on...

DTU Students Participate in Blood Donation Day

DTU Students Participate in Blood Donation Day

May 9,2019

A lot of volunteering DTU students in blue helped the medical team instruct students on how to complete the registration form, copy the information of the blood donors and arrange the medical tools. Beforehand, DTU faculties had announced the schedule of the blood donation day through their forums and Facebook...

IT Training for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at DTU

IT Training for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at DTU

May 10,2019

As there is a continuous demand for human resources in IT, students in the field are always the first ones to find ideal jobs. With its many years of experience of international collaborations for IT training DTU International School has become a trusted address for training, providing the entire country with high-quality IT graduates...

A Thousand Job Positions at DTU IT Job Fair

A Thousand Job Positions at DTU IT Job Fair

May 12,2019

On May 11, DTU held the first 2019 IT Job Fair, with representatives of 21 national businesses in attendance, recruiting for a total of one thousand positions.

IT Industry in Urgent Need of Professionals, One Thousand Recruits Required

IT Industry in Urgent Need of Professionals, One Thousand Recruits Required

May 12,2019

The first IT Job Fair recruited for a total of a thousand positions. They each had a booth where they introduced themselves and their products, giving students a clearer idea of what jobs were available and how they could become candidates for future careers in those companies.

Young People Make Historical Film

Young People Make Historical Film

May 12,2019

At the end of April, the DTU’s Silver Swallows Studio launched their first historical film project. “The First Swallows”, part of the Vietnam Air War series, recreates the fierce battle between the Vietnam People’s Air Force (VPAF) and the US Air Force (USAF) for Thanh Hoa Bridge, on April 4, 1965...

CEO-Talk “Dare to Dream, Dare to Perform”

CEO-Talk “Dare to Dream, Dare to Perform”

May 13,2019

On May 12, the DTU Startup Center, the Phi&P Human Resource Consulting Company and VTM News held a CEO-Talk “Dare to Dream, Dare to Perform” forum to enhance student entrepreneurial skills and help develop their business plans. Ms. Nong Vuong Phi, CEO and Founder of Phi&P, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hue, Director of Human Resource Development at AEON Vietnam and 280 DTU students attended...

DTU Holds the first 2019 IT Job Fair

DTU Holds the first 2019 IT Job Fair

May 14,2019

The fair was attended by IT companies, such as Gameloft Vietnam, Sun Asterisk Vietnam, MTI Technology Vietnam, GMO-Z.com RunSystem, GMO-Z.com Vietnam Lab Center, MGM Technology Partners Vietnam, Axon Active Vietnam- Danang Branch, CO-WELL ASIA Co., Ltd; CMC Telecom Danang and others...

The First IT Job Fair Recruited for  a Thousand Positions

The First IT Job Fair Recruited for a Thousand Positions

May 14,2019

According to the 2018 report of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization on the digital economy in Vietnam, the country will need a million IT professionals in 2020, mostly in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Storage, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Blockchain, as well as the Internet of Things, e-Commerce, business processes and IT outsourcing...

International Nurses Day Celebration

International Nurses Day Celebration

May 16,2019

On May 12th the Danang Nurses Association and the DTU Faculty of Nursing celebrated International Nurses Day. This is also the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth, the founder of modern nursing. Firstly, an interesting musical performance by DTU lecturers and students took place to honor nurses, who have been working hard to serve patients and the community...