Tiếng Việt

Tags: TU

Conference on education management innovation

Conference on education management innovation

March 25,2010

A conference on education management innovation was held at Duy Tan university on 24th March 2010 by the Ministry of Education and Training. The conference chaired by Deputy Minister Tran Quang Quy was attended by leaders and representatives from universities in Danang. The conference aims to deploy the Directive 296/CT-TTg by the Prime Minister and Action Program of the MOET on fostering innovation in higher education management-stage 2010-2012. The participants focused on discussing 3...

March 22,2010

March 26,2010

April 2,2010

National Student Architecture Festival 2010

National Student Architecture Festival 2010

April 3,2010

The Seventh national Student Architecture Festival was held at the Hanoi University of Civil Engineering from March, 24-27, 2010 with the participation of seventeen universities nationwide. The festival celebrated the 1,000th anniversary of Hanoi- the capital city of Vietnam. The festival included short contests on Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square for 1st-3rd year students and at the Thang Long Royal Citadel for 4-5th year students,including poster design and so on. Seventeen DTU’s...

Soup Bowls for Needy Hospital Patients

Soup Bowls for Needy Hospital Patients

April 2,2010

From March 25th to April 2nd, 2010, DTU Youth Union distributed over 1,000 bowls of soup to needy patients at Hai Chau Hospital, in response to an appeal by Danang Youth Union...

April 5,2010

April 6,2010

April 6,2010

April 9,2010