Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTu

2022 Career week for DTU Students of Economics and Tourism

2022 Career week for DTU Students of Economics and Tourism

June 28,2022

On June 26, the Job Fair for DTU Students of Economics and Tourism took place with the participation of 59 local businesses in the field. The DTU Career week attracted 3,808 job seekers with approximately 2,000 applications. Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost, said: “DTU founded a Job Promotion Center when it was just established, connecting with businesses to broaden internship and career opportunities for students upon graduation...

DTU PhD, Master, Medical Doctor, Pharmacist, Engineer, Architect, and Bachelor Degree Conferring Ceremony

DTU PhD, Master, Medical Doctor, Pharmacist, Engineer, Architect, and Bachelor Degree Conferring Ceremony

July 12,2022

On July 12th, DTU organized its Degree Conferring Ceremony for PhDs, Masters, Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors graduating in 2021–2022 at its 3 Quang Trung campus, Danang. Present at the ceremony were leaders of the Ministry of Information & Communications (MIC), of the Danang Department of Education & Training, of businesses, representatives of the DTU Board of Provosts, leaders of faculties...

DTU Schools of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences and of Engineering Graduates Receive Degrees

DTU Schools of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences and of Engineering Graduates Receive Degrees

July 13,2022

In the morning of July 14th, the DTU Schools of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences and of Engineering held a Degree Conferring Ceremony for 530 Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors. DTU Vice - Provost Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu; Dr. Ha Dac Binh, Rector of the School of Engineering; Vice-Rectors of the School of Foreign Languages and Social Sciences Dr. Hoang Thi Huong and Dr. Ton Nu My Nhat; lecturers...

Over 60% of DTU IT Engineering Graduates Found Employment during Internships

Over 60% of DTU IT Engineering Graduates Found Employment during Internships

July 13,2022

The most-awaited thing during a student’s life is that proud moment of being awarded a degree at the graduation ceremony - a milestone of maturation for engineers and Bachelors. The School of Computer Science graduation ceremony in the afternoon of July 14, 2022, at 3 Quang Trung, Danang, wrapped up those wonderful moments, witnessed by lecturers, family, and friends...

Hundreds of “High-Quality” Bachelors Graduate from HTi

Hundreds of “High-Quality” Bachelors Graduate from HTi

July 13,2022

We welcome the hundreds of newly graduated Bachelors - the main characters in the graduation ceremony of the DTU Hospitality & Tourism Institute (HTi) held on July 16th and 17th. It is an important milestone, marking the maturity in life and studies of the DTU students...

DTU Economics & Management Graduates Receive Degrees

DTU Economics & Management Graduates Receive Degrees

July 14,2022

On July 15, the DTU School of Economics held a solemn graduation ceremony for the 524 students of the first batch (of July 2022). The event is part of the series of 2021-2022 graduation ceremonies for PhDs, Masters, medical doctors, pharmacists, engineers, architects, and Bachelors at DTU...

DTU Students Awarded as Best Presenters at Innovation for Networked Security Policy 2022

DTU Students Awarded as Best Presenters at Innovation for Networked Security Policy 2022

July 16,2022

IFNSC 2022 is organized by the University of Social Sciences & Humanities (of the National University in Hanoi) with the financial support of Konrad–Adenauer–Stiftung Vietnam. Inspired by the multifaceted changes in life after the Covid-19 pandemic, and especially the economic crisis, heavy impacts on people’s physical and psychological health, impoverishment, and increasing societal division...

DTU Journal of Science & Technology: Counts for or Gets Increased Publication Points in Three More Fields in 2022

DTU Journal of Science & Technology: Counts for or Gets Increased Publication Points in Three More Fields in 2022

July 22,2022

On July 6, the State Council for Professorship announced its decision number 42/QÐ-HÐGSNN on the 2022 list of scientific journals counting for points. Accordingly, the Duy Tan University (DTU) Journal of Science & Technology has three more fields where it will count for points or which increased their points...

An agreement with PetroVietnam University

An agreement with PetroVietnam University

July 22,2022

On July 21, DTU signed an agreement with PetroVietnam University (PVU) to strengthen training and scientific research to provide society with highly-qualified graduates. Dr. Phan Minh Quoc Binh, PVU Provost, Dr. Le Quoc Phong, Head of the PVU Training Department, Mr. Nguyen Thai Dat, Head of the PVU Administration Department, Mr. Chau Khieu Minh, Director of the PVU Advanced Training Center, Dr. Truong Thanh Tu...

An Agreement with VNISA

An Agreement with VNISA

July 23,2022

On July 21st, DTU signed an agreement with the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) to implement several in-depth training programs in Information Security. Chairman of VNISA Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung; DTU Vice-Provost Dr. Nguyen Huu Phu; and DTU lecturers and staff attended...