Tiếng Việt

Tags: Quốc tế

Black Market in Science Papers: Publishing in “Fake” International Journals

Black Market in Science Papers: Publishing in “Fake” International Journals

August 15,2020

Dr Tran Nguyen Hai of the DTU Institute of Fundamental Science and Application in Ho Chi Minh City is of the opinion that “fake” journals and publishers are very numerous nowadays, are continuously founded, and always change their approaches to snare inexperienced researchers. ““Fake” journals demand you pay a fee and only want your money, and they don’t care about quality,”...

To Become International Exchange Student: Dream that Can Come True at DTU

To Become International Exchange Student: Dream that Can Come True at DTU

August 29,2020

DTU currently offers favorable conditions for a great many students to take part in study exchange and cultural exchange with DTU’s partner universities abroad. This is an opportunity to experience life, culture, cuisine, and study exchange with people from all over the world. In March 2017, DTU and Dong-A University officially signed an MoU for collaboration and program development...

DTU Gains Significant Achievements in National and International Competitions

DTU Gains Significant Achievements in National and International Competitions

September 3,2020

The 2013 CDIO Academy award, held at at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, was the first in a series of DTU victories, where Vo Truong Hoang Linh and Nguyen The Quynh Nhi outmatched 31 teams from Canada, France, Russia, Sweden, Denmark and others, to win first prizes in the Basic and Advanced project categories, with their project entitled “A Low-Cost, Do-It-Yourself Water-Filtering System for Farmers”...

Female Student, with 9.25 Points in Literature, Enrolls at DTU

Female Student, with 9.25 Points in Literature, Enrolls at DTU

September 14,2020

Ms. Bui Thi Xuan Nuong, a student of the Cao Ba Quat High School, scored high in the 2020 High School Graduation Exam, making her family happier than ever. In the 2020 HSGE, she scored 9.2 in Math and was one of the students achieving the highest grade in Literature, at 9.25...

Graduation Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Partnership Program with Fooyin University

Graduation Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Partnership Program with Fooyin University

October 4,2020

On October 3, DTU and Fooyin University held a graduation ceremony for the very first 25 students of the International Master of Nursing program. Dr. Pham Van Tac, Director General of Administration of Science Technology and Training at the Ministry of Health, representatives of the Departments of Health and Hospitals in Danang, Hue and Quang Nam, Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU Chairman, DTU Board of Provosts, Deans of faculties...

An Agreement with Danang International Airport

An Agreement with Danang International Airport

October 23,2020

On October 22, DTU signed an agreement with the Danang International Airport (DIA) to allow students to broaden their knowledge, skills and career prospects. In attendance were Mr. Le Hoai Nam, Vice-Director of the Danang International Airport; Mr. Le Khanh Tung, Director of the DIA Training center; Mr. Nguyen Tien Dan, Vice-Manager of the DIA Engineering Department; Mr. Huynh Van Tan, Vice-Director of the DIA Operation Center...

Agreement Signed with German Education Company EduGo

Agreement Signed with German Education Company EduGo

December 24,2020

DTU signed an agreement with EduGo Education International on December 24 to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany. Attendees included Board of Directors’ Chairman, Mr. Nguyen Ba Tuong; Hero of Labor and Meritorious Teacher Le Cong Co, Chairman of the DTU Board of Trustees; and staff and lecturers from DTU and EduGo...

An Agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany.

An Agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany.

December 25,2020

On December 24, DTU signed an agreement with EduGo Education International to facilitate Nursing students to study and work in Germany. According to the memorandum of cooperation, EduGo will provide DTU with guidance on preferential training programs and fee structures...

DTU Women Staff & Lecturer’s Outing on March 8

DTU Women Staff & Lecturer’s Outing on March 8

March 8,2021

On International Women’s Day, the DTU Labor Union and the Duy Tan Travel company organized a relaxing sightseeing and teambuilding trip to the Alba Thanh Tan Hot Springs, where DTU women staff, lecturers and employees spent an enjoyable day...