Tiếng Việt

Tags: đại học

DTU Becomes Samsung’s Partner in the SIC Project

DTU Becomes Samsung’s Partner in the SIC Project

May 23,2023

On May 23, the Samsung Vina Electronics Company, Junior Achievement (JA) Vietnam and DTU jointly held an MoU agreement signing ceremony to expand the Danang Samsung Innovation Campus (SIC) project in 2023. Mr. Choi Joo Ho, President of the Samsung Viet Nam Complex, said: “We are living in the era of Industry 4.0, characterized by hyper-connectivity and hyper-intelligence. We are experiencing new heights of technological innovation...

Another DTU Researcher Ranked High in Vietnam in Environmental Sciences

Another DTU Researcher Ranked High in Vietnam in Environmental Sciences

May 27,2023

Research.Com has just ranked three Vietnamese scientists in the 2023 list of best in the field of Environmental Sciences, including Dr. Tran Nguyen Hai, Director of the Center for Environmental Materials & Energy at the DTU Institute of Fundamental & Applied Sciences (IFAS), who was ranked 2nd in Vietnam and 4,687 worldwide...

Medical Studies Admissions: DTU Adds Literature, maintaining Natural Sciences Foundation

Medical Studies Admissions: DTU Adds Literature, maintaining Natural Sciences Foundation

June 2,2023

Maintaining Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as Health Science majors, DTU has added Literature to its admissions subject set, to establish a linkage between a technical and humanitarian education and adapt to the reformed senior high school program, currently being implemented in Vietnam...

The Sixth Annual International Conference on Control, Robotics and Informatics

The Sixth Annual International Conference on Control, Robotics and Informatics

May 28,2023

On May 27, DTU hosted the sixth International Conference on Control, Robotics, and Informatics (ICCRI), where researchers and professionals in the fields of control, robotics and informatics from various countries could meet and share their latest research findings. Professor Lim Sang Taek, DTU Vice-Provost said...

The 2023 “Danang Travel & Learn” Workshop

The 2023 “Danang Travel & Learn” Workshop

May 26,2023

On May 25, the 2023 “Danang Travel & Learn” workshop was held at DTU. Attendees included: Mr. Le Hoang Phuc, Deputy Director of the Da Nang Investment Promotion Agency (IPA Danang); Dr. Mo Chul Min, Rector of the DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism; a delegation from Republic Polytechnic Singapore; Danang Young Entrepreneurs' Association representatives; and DTU lecturers and students...

Seminar on Trends and the Future of IC Design

Seminar on Trends and the Future of IC Design

May 26,2023

On May 25, the DTU School of Engineering and Technology held a seminar entitled: “Trends and the Future of IC Design”, attended by Mr. Hoang Dinh Phuoc, Senior Manager at Skyworks Solutions. Mr. Dinh Phuoc is an expert with 35 years of experience in IC design and presented an overview of the field of VLSI Physical Design, the challenges he faces and how he overcomes them...

May 29,2023

May 29,2023

Nine Vietnamese Universities Listed in THE Impact Rankings 2023

Nine Vietnamese Universities Listed in THE Impact Rankings 2023

June 1,2023

On June 1st, Times Higher Education (THE) announced the 2023 Impact Rankings of 1,591 higher education institutions from 112 different countries and territories, up from 1406 in 2022. Nine Vietnamese universities are now included, compared with seven last year...

Nine Vietnamese Universities are Listed in the 2023 THE Impact Rankings

Nine Vietnamese Universities are Listed in the 2023 THE Impact Rankings

June 17,2023

This is the fifth year the THE Impact Rankings 2023 has exclusively ranked universities according to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which measure educational institutions globally on their social development and environmental protection performance. The objective is to build a peaceful and prosperous society worldwide...