Tiếng Việt

Tags: Làm việc

DTU Meets with the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

DTU Meets with the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

June 24,2015

On June 29th, DTU met with a delegation from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech). Attendees included Professor Song-Jeng Huang...

A Meeting with National Cheng Kung University

A Meeting with National Cheng Kung University

November 28,2016

On November 23rd, DTU met with representatives of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. Professor Ching-Min Chen, Associate Vice-President for International Affairs...

Career Opportunities at Marriott International Hotels and Resorts

Career Opportunities at Marriott International Hotels and Resorts

November 29,2017

On December 7th, representatives of Marriott International Hotels and Resorts met with DTU students majoring in Tourism to introduce them to the internship opportunities at Marriott International...