Tiếng Việt

Tags: Truyền thống

DTU commemorates the 73rd Anniversary of Vietnamese Students’ Day

DTU commemorates the 73rd Anniversary of Vietnamese Students’ Day

January 8,2023

On January 7th, the DTU Youth and Student Union celebrated the 73rd anniversary of Vietnamese Students’ Day and presented awards to students, classes and faculties with outstanding achievements in social work and the student movement in 2021-2022...

Learning Express 2023: Innovative and Productive Solutions for Local Vietnamese Craft Villages

Learning Express 2023: Innovative and Productive Solutions for Local Vietnamese Craft Villages

September 22,2023

Learning Express 2023 took place from September 11 to 22, with 70 lecturers and students from DTU and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) attending. Fieldwork took place at the local Silk-making, Sleeping-mat-making, and Fish Sauce-making craft villages in Quan Nang Province. As a result, the group then came up with several new ideas, and proposed practical solutions to improve production methods and protect the health of the workers and the environment at the same time...

The ASEAN - Korea Cultural Exchange Week at DTU

The ASEAN - Korea Cultural Exchange Week at DTU

December 14,2023

From December 11 to 16, Duy Tan University, the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) in Hanoi and the Korea Tourism Organization in Vietnam (KTO Vietnam) jointly held the ASEAN - Korea Cultural Exchange week. Ambassador Vu Ho, Head of SOM ASEAN Vietnam, said: “The ASEAN - Korea Cultural Exchange Week at DTU is a significant arts and culture event, commemorating 30 years of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the RoK...

The Launching of the Book ‘From Humanist Spirit to Happy University’ at DTU

The Launching of the Book ‘From Humanist Spirit to Happy University’ at DTU

November 30,2023

On November 30, 2023, a book entitled: ‘From Humanist Spirit to Happy University’ was introduced at the DTU library, with guests, DTU lecturers and students attending. Hero of Labor and Meritorious Teacher Le Cong Co continued to fulfill his dream of creating a collection of traditional Vietnamese books at the university library. His latest book was announced after two years of formulating ideas, and preparing...

DTU Awards 5 Billion VND to Exemplary Students

DTU Awards 5 Billion VND to Exemplary Students

January 10,2024

On January 9th, DTU held a ceremony to celebrate the 74th anniversary of Vietnamese Students’ Day, and presented awards to students, teams and faculties for outstanding achievements in social activities and for work in the Student Union and Student Association in 2023-2024, including...

January 10,2024

January 27,2024

Blue Ladder Project 2024 at DTU

Blue Ladder Project 2024 at DTU

July 1,2024

The opening ceremony of the Blue Ladder Project 2024 was held at 3 Quang Trung, Danang, on the morning of July 1, 2024. The vibrant and meaningful program promises numerous activities for cultural exchange, learning, and experiences for Korean students in various countries around the world...