Tiếng Việt

Tags: đại học

DTU Wins Second and Consolation Prizes at SURF 2023

DTU Wins Second and Consolation Prizes at SURF 2023

October 12,2023

The rapid development of the economy, society, and technology, and changes in our living environment are becoming urgent global issues that require us to search for challenging technological solutions. Based on these two burning issues, two DTU startup projects received prizes at the SURF 2023 startup & innovation competition: “Firewall” was awarded second prize and the “Production of 3D printing plastic filaments from used plastic bottles...

Samsung Boosts High-Quality Technology Training in Danang

Samsung Boosts High-Quality Technology Training in Danang

October 13,2023

Samsung started implementing the SIC program at DTU in 2022 and 25 students have graduated from the program so far. Samsung is also developing programs in conjunction with the Hanoi University of Information & Communications, and with Hoa Sen University in HCMC. So far, a total of 6,021 students from across Vietnam have completed SIC training...

October 14,2023

Khanh My, a Seed of Hope in a Family Stricken by Tragedy

Khanh My, a Seed of Hope in a Family Stricken by Tragedy

October 14,2023

Khanh My’s brother worked in construction and tragically lost his life in a fall. A few months later, her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. In a family now reduced to three women, with an ailing mother and an elderly grandmother, Khanh My is now studying Korean at DTU and has become a beacon of hope in helping to relieve her family’s overwhelming adversity...

DTU Welcomes a Delegation from Chungbuk National University in Korea

DTU Welcomes a Delegation from Chungbuk National University in Korea

October 12,2023

On October 11, DTU met on campus with Chungbuk National University representatives from South Korea. Attendees included Dr. Ki-Seok Choi, head of the Korean delegation, Dr. Bui Kim Luan, Vice-Rector of the DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism, and lecturers and students from both universities...

The Closing Ceremony of the UN SDG P2A Virtual Mobility Program

The Closing Ceremony of the UN SDG P2A Virtual Mobility Program

October 13,2023

On October 11, DTU held the closing ceremony of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) P2A Virtual Mobility program. Attendees included Ms. Zhang Yu from Temasek Polytechnic University in Singapore; Mr. Muhammad Fauzan from UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Dr. Le Nguyen Tue Hang, DTU Vice-Provost; Dr. Lee Younghee, lecturer from the DTU School of Hospitality and Tourism; the P2A Secretariat; and students from 22 ASEAN institutions...

Second DTU Tourism Forum: Career Journey in Tourism

Second DTU Tourism Forum: Career Journey in Tourism

October 16,2023

In July 2023, the DTU Hospitality & Tourism Institute started holding the DTU Tourism Forums, with the aim of creating high-level tourism meetings where information could be shared and strategies proposed for the most sustainable development of tourism in Vietnam...

The DTU School of Foreign Languages & Social Humanities holds the conference titled “Vietnam - Japan: The Relationship - Achievements and Prospects”

The DTU School of Foreign Languages & Social Humanities holds the conference titled “Vietnam - Japan: The Relationship - Achievements and Prospects”

October 16,2023

On October 13, the DTU School of Foreign Languages & Social Humanities held a conference entitled “Vietnam - Japan: The Relationship - Achievements and Prospects”, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan. At the conference, local and foreign scholars met to discuss the promotion of joint relationships, partnerships and research in social sciences and humanities...

Three Vietnamese Universities Qualify to Apply for an Employment Pass under the New Singaporean Government COMPASS Criteria

Three Vietnamese Universities Qualify to Apply for an Employment Pass under the New Singaporean Government COMPASS Criteria

October 21,2023

Three Vietnamese universities qualified for COMPASS Employment Pass (EP) application. DTU was listed in Group A, with 20 points awarded for degrees from all faculties, and Vietnam National University in HCMC and Vietnam National University in Hanoi were listed in Group B, with 20 points awarded for degrees in four specific faculties. COMPASS evaluates EP applications based on a holistic set of individual and firm-related attributes, including...

DTU Opens for the 2023-2024 School Year

DTU Opens for the 2023-2024 School Year

October 22,2023

On October 21, DTU opened the 2023-2024 school year after the summer break, bringing new joys and hopes, especially to first-year students. The university awarded scholarships and tuition exemptions with a total value of 19 billion VND to encourage and motivate the new students...