Tiếng Việt

Tags: đại học

Beloved Teacher Writing Contest: Anxious to Develop a Private University

Beloved Teacher Writing Contest: Anxious to Develop a Private University

November 3,2023

Distinguished Teacher. Le Cong Co, Chairman of the DTU Board of Directors, has experienced a life of ups and downs, but has always maintained his trust and desire to dedicate himself to the development of private university education in Vietnam. He was born in 1941 in Quang Nam, currently lives and works in Danang, is a familiar name in Vietnam, and internationally distinguished in Southeast Asia and beyond...

Welcoming DTU K29 Students of the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Welcoming DTU K29 Students of the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology

October 30,2023

On October 29, DTU held a welcoming ceremony for the DTU K29 students from the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Engineering and Technology (VJIET) program. Dr. Le Vinh An, VJIET Director, Dr. Yukata Hirai, VJIET advisor, lecturers and K29 freshmen attended...

Hoang Hoa Tham High School wins the 2023 “Quang Region Gen Z” competition

Hoang Hoa Tham High School wins the 2023 “Quang Region Gen Z” competition

November 5,2023

On November 5, hundreds of teachers and students cheered the three finalists at the “Quang Region Gen Z” competition, held at DTU. “Golden Tickets” were awarded to the Hoang Hoa Tham, Son Tra and Nguyen Khuyen high School teams after they overcame the intense competition of the other high schools...

November 5,2023

Third Science Conference of School of Engineering & Technology

Third Science Conference of School of Engineering & Technology

November 6,2023

On November 4, the third Science Conference of the DTU School of Engineering & Technology (SET) was launched, entitled the “2023 Conference on Technologies for the Future (CTF)”. Participants included lecturers, research students, graduate and undergraduate students from all six faculties and from the three SET centers. In particular, the conference received three reports and a number of other articles from partners...

November 8,2023

Fifteen Vietnamese universities listed in the 2024 QS Asia University Rankings

Fifteen Vietnamese universities listed in the 2024 QS Asia University Rankings

November 9,2023

On November 11, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a UK education organization, announced its 2024 Asia University Rankings, which highlighted a significant growth in the number of institutions listed, totaling 857 Asian universities, including 148 making their first appearance...

Creating a Happy University

Creating a Happy University

November 11,2023

Meritorious Teacher Le Cong Co spoke with the Thanh Nien newspaper about his desire to build a humanistic university. “At my age, I’m lucky that I’m not yet losing my memory,” he says. “Every day, I think, think a lot, and continue working for the development of DTU, just as I have for the past 29 years...

November 14,2023

Laotian DTU Students Win Third Prize in Vietnamese Speaking Contest

Laotian DTU Students Win Third Prize in Vietnamese Speaking Contest

November 14,2023

On November 3, at the Danang University of Foreign Languages, two Laotian students from DTU, Xayavong Khamphay and Manyvong Xaysit, won third prize in the 2023 Central Vietnam preliminary round of the Vietnamese Speaking Contest for Foreign Students. They confidently delivered an eloquent, fluent speech, praising the traditions and the beauty of Vietnam and its people...