Tiếng Việt

Tags: Quốc tế

"The IT Workforce - Opportunities and Challenges" Seminar

October 26,2021

On October 24, the DTU International School held a seminar entitled: "The IT Workforce - Opportunities and Challenges". Attendees included Mr. Vy Van Viet, Deputy Chairperson of Danang Software Business Association and Director of iViettech; Mr. Bui Duc Minh, CEO of MIND (Smart IoT), Danang; Dr. Nguyen Duc Man, Director of the DTU International School; DTU lecturers, staff and students.

The DTU School of Engineering & Technology Offers Key Majors in the 4.0 Era

The DTU School of Engineering & Technology Offers Key Majors in the 4.0 Era

January 19,2022

n November 2020, Duy Tan University was reorganized into five member schools and two training institutes, as a foundation for future strategic development. In addition to the School of Engineering & Technology, the International School also offers several Engineering & Technology majors, namely advanced international programs, from CSU Engineering & Architecture, and PNU Electrical Engineering...

A High-Quality, Internationally Accredited Education at DTU

A High-Quality, Internationally Accredited Education at DTU

February 11,2022

In November 2020, Duy Tan University was reorganized into five member schools and two training institutes, as a foundation for future strategic development. Advanced International programs were then offered by the DTU International School, the DTU Hospitality & Tourism Institute and the DTU School of Engineering & Technology...

DTU Journal in Scopus Index Thanks to International Collaboration

DTU Journal in Scopus Index Thanks to International Collaboration

February 18,2022

The Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) approved DTU’s international journal Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems for inclusion in the Scopus database. It took DTU three years since the official launch of the journal Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, seven years since the inception of the idea and the start of its implementation, to get this far...

Graduation Projects of DTU Architecture Students Win Many Prizes

Graduation Projects of DTU Architecture Students Win Many Prizes

March 2,2022

Despite the impact of Covid-19, DTU implemented online education and holds remote Thesis and Graduation Project Defenses to ensure that students can graduate timely in June. With the guidance of MSc. in Architecture Tran Ngoc Phuong, the graduation project entitled “The Ru Cha Wetland Park” by K22 student Le Van Hoang, majoring in CSU Civil & Industrial Engineering at the DTU International School, won the Special-Subject ...

One More Third Prize for DTU Student Informatics Olympiad Prizes Collection

One More Third Prize for DTU Student Informatics Olympiad Prizes Collection

April 6,2022

About 700 students from 67 universities and colleges throughout the country gathered in Hanoi from March 22 to 25 for the contest. The individuals specialist section counted most contestants, with 171 students. With his confidence and his experience from having taken part several times already, Duc Huy finished the contest with 242/400 points, meriting a third prize...

DTU Holds INISCOM 2022 International Conference

DTU Holds INISCOM 2022 International Conference

April 23,2022

The European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) joined hands with DTU to organize the 8th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (INISCOM 2022) on April 21 and 22, online. It is an important forum where researchers, developers, and PhD students can discuss all science & technology aspects related to industrial networks and intelligent systems...

“New Technology Update with Ban Vien” Workshop

“New Technology Update with Ban Vien” Workshop

May 15,2022

On May 14th, DTU and Ban Vien Company Ltd held a workshop entitled “New Technology Update with Ban Vien”. Attendees included Dr. Nguyen Duc Man, Rector of the DTU International Institute; Dr. Nguyen Duc Hien, Director of DTU Business Relations; Mr. Vu Huy Binh - Branch Director of Ban Vien Company Limited; and students of the School for Computer Science and the International Institute...

DTU is the first Vietnamese university with UNWTO TedQual qualified programs

DTU is the first Vietnamese university with UNWTO TedQual qualified programs

July 24,2022

TedQual accreditation is implemented by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). On July 8, UNWTO accredited the DTU International Hospitality Management and International Restaurant Operations Management programs with a high score of 771/845 points, meeting up to 91,2% of the criteria. DTU has now become the first Vietnamese university with UNWTO.TedQual qualified programs...

Graduating Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors in Advanced & International Programs Receive Degrees

Graduating Engineers, Architects, and Bachelors in Advanced & International Programs Receive Degrees

July 12,2022

In the afternoon of July 13, the DTU International School held the graduation ceremony for engineers, architects, and Bachelors in Advanced & International programs. During the ceremony itself, the company LG VS DCV Danang awarded seven scholarships with total worth of 210 million dong to fourth-year students of CMU-standard majors in IT who passed LG’s aptitude test rounds, in order to encourage them to strive for academic results...