Tiếng Việt

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DTU Advances Business Cooperation

DTU Advances Business Cooperation

February 23,2023

Providing a business education conforming with the latest corporate requirements is vital, in order for students to master the professional knowledge and skills prior to employment. In 2022, DTU published guidelines and policies to strengthen business relationships. Companies now work closely with the university to nurture more diverse forms of cooperation, assist in the recruitment of new graduates, provide feedback on their quality..

November 24,2022

Meliá Vinpearl Hotel & Resorts Regional Director Visits DTU

Meliá Vinpearl Hotel & Resorts Regional Director Visits DTU

February 24,2023

On Feb 23rd, DTU met with representatives from Meliá Vinpearl Hotel & Resorts, with Mr. Dongwon Chung, Meliá Vinpearl Hotel & Resorts Central Region Director; Dr. Mo Chulmin, Rector of the DTU Hospitality and Tourism School; DTU lecturers and representatives from Meliá Vinpearl Hotel & Resorts in attendance...

DTU Visits and Congratulates Medical staff on Vietnamese Doctors’ Day

DTU Visits and Congratulates Medical staff on Vietnamese Doctors’ Day

February 25,2023

On the occasion of the 68th Vietnamese Doctors' Day (February 27, 1955-2023), a DTU delegation led by Dr. Hoang Ha, Vice-Rector of the College of Medicine and Pharmacy, sent congratulations to the local medical staff and visited 28 medical facilities in Danang and Hue, including the Danang Hospital, the C Hospital, the Hue Central Hospital, the Danang Lung Hospital, the Danang Mental Hospital and others...

DTU Final-Year Students Majoring in Biotechnology Do Internships in Dalat

DTU Final-Year Students Majoring in Biotechnology Do Internships in Dalat

February 27,2023

From February 2nd to 21st, final-year students from the class of K25CSH, the first DTU graduates of Biotechnology, interned at eleven different locations in Dalat, to familiarize themselves with the professional working environment at companies, schools and research institutes there...

DTU Students Exhibit Award-Winning Designs

DTU Students Exhibit Award-Winning Designs

February 26,2023

The exhibition included eleven logos that won twenty international graphic design awards and were created by eleven students majoring in Graphic Design at the Faculty of Architecture & Applied Arts, Game & Multimedia Design at the Faculty of Information Technology, and Multimedia Communications and Literature & Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities...

DTU participates in 2023 University Enrollment Counseling at the Phan Chau Trinh High School in Danang

DTU participates in 2023 University Enrollment Counseling at the Phan Chau Trinh High School in Danang

February 27,2023

On February 26th, a 2023 University Enrollment Counseling session was held by the Thanh Nien Newspaper at Phan Chau Trinh High School. Thirty information booths represented the Danang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy, the Mien Trung University of Civil Engineering, Danang campus, Dong A University, Danang Architecture University, FPT University, the Swinburne University of Technology...

2023 Enrollment: Building on the Strengths of Key Training Disciplines

2023 Enrollment: Building on the Strengths of Key Training Disciplines

February 27,2023

During the 2023 enrollment season, Danang colleges and universities continue to build on their individual strengths in their special educational disciplines and attract the best applicants. In particular, the Danang Vocational Training College graduates large numbers of skilled professionals into the local workforce...

DTU Students Win Twenty International Graphic Design Awards

DTU Students Win Twenty International Graphic Design Awards

February 27,2023

Since 2020, DTU students have successfully competed in major international competitions, together with professional designers, other universities and freelance designers from the US, the UK and elsewhere. They have won nine Graphic or Graphic New Talent Awards in the US, two American Graphic Design Awards (AGDA, US), six International Design Awards (IDA, US), and three London International Creative Competition (LICC, UK) prizes...

DTU Students Exhibit Award-Winning Designs

DTU Students Exhibit Award-Winning Designs

February 27,2023

The exhibition featured eleven logos created by DTU Graphic Design students, from the Faculty of Architecture & Applied Arts; Game & Multimedia Design, from the Faculty of Information Technology; and Multimedia Communications and Literature & Journalism, from the Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities. In addition, 125 other prize-winning projects were on display, including logos, posters and brands...