Tiếng Việt

Tags: Đại học duy tân

DTU Youth Union Congress Celebration

DTU Youth Union Congress Celebration

May 3,2012

On April 28, three hundred delegates attended the Youth Union Congress at DTU, to elect members of the executive board for the sixth term following the campaign “All for DTU students...

All for “A More Livable and Smarter Danang”

All for “A More Livable and Smarter Danang”

May 21,2012

International experts from IBM visited several local universities to investigate how Danang could become “A More Livable and Smarter City”. At DTU, a meeting was held with DTU...

Exciting Moments in the English Singing Competition

Exciting Moments in the English Singing Competition

May 31,2012

On May 26, an English Singing Competition was held by Ms. Pamela and the DTU International School, drawing hundreds students to Hall 713. PSU students from six K16 and K17...

The First Student Scientific Research Conference Launched at DTU

The First Student Scientific Research Conference Launched at DTU

May 31,2012

The DTU Board of Provosts decided to hold a conference on June 9 to review some of the achievements over the past two years of the scientific research program. This aim of this...

Duy Tan University - a Wise choice for those interested in the Environment, Health Care and Medicine

Duy Tan University - a Wise choice for those interested in the Environment, Health Care and Medicine

July 24,2012

Being aware of the rapid development and modernization, Duy Tan University (DTU) has focused on educating qualified and motivated students bring about positive changes...

More than 20 DTU faculty are sent to the USA for training

More than 20 DTU faculty are sent to the USA for training

June 21,2012

On the afternoon of June 20, DTU faculty members left Danang Airport for training in collaboration with American universities. DTU faculty members at Danang International Airport...

DTU is on its Way to Becoming a Leading Vietnamese University

DTU is on its Way to Becoming a Leading Vietnamese University

July 7,2012

Initially DTU set one of its objectives to expand partnerships with foreign universities. Over the past 17 years, DTU has collaborated with more than 50 renowned...

July 13,2012

DTU Becomes a Member of CDIO

DTU Becomes a Member of CDIO

July 23,2012

At the beginning of July, at the 8th CDIO Conference, held at Queensland niversity, DTU was recognized as a new member. This was a remarkable event for the national academic... CDIO (Conceive; Design; Implement; Operate) is an innovative educational framework which provides students with learning methods and skills required to adapt to social trends. Initially conceived at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the number of...

DTU Travels to Ly Son Island for a Charity Event

DTU Travels to Ly Son Island for a Charity Event

August 2,2012

Members of the DTU Center of Research & Development were assigned by Mr. Le Cong Co, DTU Chairman and Provost, Mr. Dinh Trung Hoa and Mr. Nguyen The Duong to donate three wheelchairs...