Tiếng Việt

Tags: duy tân

May 4,2011

DTU - Champions of the 2011 I/T GALA

DTU - Champions of the 2011 I/T GALA

May 4,2011

The finals of the 2011 I/T Gala 2011’s final round took place at Danang Polytechnic University on 27th April, 2011, with five team from Duy Tan University...

May 6,2011

“The 2011 Microsoft Office World Championships”

“The 2011 Microsoft Office World Championships”

May 9,2011

On 7th May, 2011, the 2011 Microsoft Office World Championships began in  Hanoi, Hai Phong, Danang, Can Tho and Ho Chi Minh City. DTU was honored to be the host for Central Vietnam...

May 2,2011

Social Causes as the Focus of Students' Business Plans

Social Causes as the Focus of Students' Business Plans

May 14,2011

Freshly pressed business attire, booths adorned with detailed executive summaries and the unceasing sound of crowds filled Weter Hall and Martin Square on Wednesday, 13th April...

May 18,2011

May 23,2011

New Zealand Embassy Deputy Head of Mission visits DTU

New Zealand Embassy Deputy Head of Mission visits DTU

May 26,2011

On 24th May, 2011, Mr. Alistair Crozier, New Zealand Embassy Deputy Head of Mission and Ms. Tran Phuong Nga, Business Development Manager of the New Zealand Trade & Enterprise...

International Children’s Day for DTU Dependents

International Children’s Day for DTU Dependents

May 30,2011

On the afternoon of 29th May, 2011, the DTU Labor Union celebrated Children’s’ Day for DTU dependents, at the Sky-Line Elementary School...