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A New International Master of Nursing program with Fooyin University of Taiwan

A New International Master of Nursing program with Fooyin University of Taiwan

December 11,2017

DTU opened the Fooyin University of Taiwan International Master of Nursing program to graduate highly-qualified nurses to meet increasing public demand. Thirty students started the course...

December 9,2017

DTU Opened the International Master of Nursing program

DTU Opened the International Master of Nursing program

December 9,2017

On December 9th, DTU opened the Fooyin University of Taiwan International Master of Nursing program, originating from DTU’s policy to partner with foreign institutions to graduate highly-qualified...

The Opening Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Degree Course

The Opening Ceremony of the International Master of Nursing Degree Course

December 9,2017

On December 9th, DTU opened the Fooyin University of Taiwan International Master of Nursing program, originating from DTU’s policy to partner with foreign institutions to graduate highly-qualified nurses...

An Agreement with SEIRE on Nursing Career Orientation, Training and Employment

An Agreement with SEIRE on Nursing Career Orientation, Training and Employment

December 29,2017

A second agreement was signed with the Seirei Social Welfare Community (SEIRE) on Nursing career orientation, training and employment on December 27th . Accordingly, DTU Nursing graduates...

December 29,2017

DTU  Partners with SEIRE on Nursing Training and Employment

DTU Partners with SEIRE on Nursing Training and Employment

December 27,2017

On December 27th, a second agreement was signed with the Seirei Social Welfare Community, SEIRE, on Nursing career orientation, training and employment. Accordingly, DTU Nursing graduates...

Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh is honored as “2017 Exemplary Intellectuals”

Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh is honored as “2017 Exemplary Intellectuals”

March 13,2018

On March 11th, the Institute Of Scientific Development for Economic And Cultural Human Resources held a ceremony in honor of President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap and to award the certificates of “2017 Exemplary Intellectuals”. The award was given to one hundred managers, social activists and intellectuals contributing to the socio-economic development of the country. Associate Professor Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Vice-Provost, was one of them...

When Challenges Become Opportunities for DTU Nursing students

When Challenges Become Opportunities for DTU Nursing students

April 8,2018

Nurses gain the trust of patients and their families at health centers and nursing homes by helping them directly, talking with them, ensuring that nothing goes wrong and watching over them as they recover. Today, there are not enough nurses to handle hospital needs however, as the aging population...

Seminar on Nursing in Japan

Seminar on Nursing in Japan

April 2,2018

On March 30th, the DTU Faculty of Nursing and the Seirei Christopher University College of Carework held a seminar on nursing in Japan. Professor Emiko Yokoo, Director of Seirei, Professor Kyoko Nakamura from Kyushu Otani Junior College and DTU Nursing lecturers and students attended...