Tiếng Việt

Tags: Y

DTU’s students participated in the Safety driving Competition in Danang city

DTU’s students participated in the Safety driving Competition in Danang city

April 11,2008

DTU’s students took part in the Safety Driving Competition, Danang city 2008, which was held in Trung Vuong theatre from 8th to 10th May 2008 by Youth Union of Danang city...

The closing ceremony of badminton contest

The closing ceremony of badminton contest

May 10,2008

The closing ceremony of badminton contest was held by Trade Union, Duy Tan University in the evening of May 9th, 2008 at the Millitary Zone 5, Danang city...

Workshop on “Financial Evaluation of Investment Projects”

Workshop on “Financial Evaluation of Investment Projects”

April 15,2008

On April 15th , 2008, Duy Tan University and ACCA jointly organized workshop entitled: “Financial Evaluation of Investment Projects” with the paticipation of President Le Cong Co...

October 27,2008

Duy Tan University Hold a Exchange Program with Hue University’s College of Education

Duy Tan University Hold a Exchange Program with Hue University’s College of Education

May 7,2008

On May, 6th, 2008 students from DTU’s Department of Information Technology held a meeting with the Department of Information Technology of Hue University’s College of Education...

Blood Donation Campaign at Duy Tan University

Blood Donation Campaign at Duy Tan University

June 20,2008

In the morning of June 19th, 2008, a blood donation campaign was organized at Duy Tan University by The Youth Union, Duy Tan University. A great number of students came forward to donate blood...

A training course of DB2-Express C

A training course of DB2-Express C

August 19,2008

On the 18th to 19th of August, 2008, Mr Raul F. Chong-the Director of “DB2 on Campus Program” organized successfully the DB2-Express C training class for DTU’s lecturers and staff. This training class has received the attention of 30 lecturers and staff in IT. Speeches presented at the training class included: The DB2 on Campus Program; the role of DB2 in Web 2.0 and in the information on Demand World; Your opportunity: Ten steps to career success. The...

October 27,2008

October 27,2008

October 27,2008