Tiếng Việt

Tags: sinh viên

New High-School Graduates Eagerly Apply for Admission to DTU

New High-School Graduates Eagerly Apply for Admission to DTU

September 11,2009

Banners, posters, advertisements have been hung everywhere at Duy tan University to invite new high-school graduates to apply for admission, with joy, anxiety and pride on their faces...

October 6,2009

October 12,2009

October 21,2009

The DTU Foreign Languages Department Holds a Halloween Festival

The DTU Foreign Languages Department Holds a Halloween Festival

November 2,2009

On the evening of October 31st 2009, the Department of Foreign Languages held a Halloween Festival with the theme: “Enjoy Halloween with Our New Students”, to provide...

IT Department Meets with Alumni and Local Companies

IT Department Meets with Alumni and Local Companies

November 2,2009

On Oct 31st 2009, a conference was held for alumni, enterprises and students of Information Technology at Duy Tan University. Attending were the Board of Rectors, students and alumni of the Information Technology Department and representatives from the Nuoc Viet Informatics Company, the Enclave Software Company, and the Softech Aptech Center.   During the conference, alumni and corporate representatives shared their experience on job hunting and the working environment....

November 4,2009

November 5,2009

Exchange of Ideas between DTU Alumni and Students.

Exchange of Ideas between DTU Alumni and Students.

November 9,2009

On November 8th, 2009 Duy Tan University held a meeting to exchange ideas between DTU alumni and students, with the theme “Duy Tan – We Will Never Forget”, on the occasion of DTU’s 15th anniversary and Vietnamese Teacher’s Day. Through this program, the university hopes to boost relationships between alumni and students and provide students the opportunity to exchange ideas with alumni who hold key positions in national and overseas organizations. The university has so far...

November 11,2009