Tiếng Việt

Tags: Duy Tân

Second Round of the “Business Ideas Competition”

Second Round of the “Business Ideas Competition”

December 16,2011

Three months after the launch of the Business Ideas Competition, twenty-three projects of the original 50 were selected to go onto the second round that took place on 13th December...

Meeting with the Punjab Technical University

Meeting with the Punjab Technical University

December 19,2011

On 16th December, 2011, DTU met with the Punjab Technical University (PTU) to discuss partnering in I/T studies. Established in 1997, PTU planned to establish centers of excellence...

A New Agreement between DTU and Singapore Polytechnic

A New Agreement between DTU and Singapore Polytechnic

December 19,2011

On 19th December, 2011, an MOU for a general collaboration between DTU and Singapore Polytechnic (SP) was signed. The ceremony was to welcome DTU lecturers and managers...

Let’s Vote for DTU!

Let’s Vote for DTU!

December 19,2011

From the 100th position on the voting list, DTU made great efforts and came second in the “I’m Proud of My University” competition held by www.banbe.net...

December 21,2011

January 4,2012

January 6,2012

Business Ideas Competition Awards Ceremony

Business Ideas Competition Awards Ceremony

January 9,2012

On 7th January, 2012, the awards ceremony of the “Business Ideas Competition” was held at DTU. This competition was a collaboration between DTU and the Ho Nghinh Foundation...

DTU Second Degree Graduation Ceremony

DTU Second Degree Graduation Ceremony

January 9,2012

On 8th January, 2012, the Second Degree Graduation Ceremony was held at DTU. Dr. Vo Thanh Hai, DTU Vice-Rector, Dr. Ho Van Nhan, DTU representatives and more than 400 graduates...

More Job Opportunities for DTU Students

More Job Opportunities for DTU Students

January 11,2012

On 10th January, 2012, a collaborative agreement between DTU and the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa was signed. Representatives from the DTU Board of Rectors, the Hyatt Resort...