Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTU

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

December 31,2013

On December 29th, DTU held a graduation ceremony for B17 Second Degree students. Attendees included Mr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost and Head of Academic Affairs...

Hello to 2014 with the “Duy Tan Dream”

Hello to 2014 with the “Duy Tan Dream”

January 2,2014

More than ever, the slogan “The Duy Tan Dream - Let’s Broaden Our Intellect for a Brighter Future” has become an incentive for all DTU staff, lecturers and students to work harder...

DTU Students Take Part in Tree Planting Activities

DTU Students Take Part in Tree Planting Activities

January 6,2014

Following President Ho Chi Minh’s advice to plant trees and responding to the Danang community’s campaign to “Build A New Countryside”, DTU students planted thousands of trees...

A Seminar on Sheet Material Folding Machines

A Seminar on Sheet Material Folding Machines

January 7,2014

A seminar on Sheet Material Folding Machines and Autonomous Robotic Systems for high-efficiency non-destructive bridge deck inspections was held at DTU on January 6th. Attendees included...

K19 Tourism Students Visit the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa

K19 Tourism Students Visit the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa

January 5,2014

On November 27th, the DTU Tourism department organized a field trip to the Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa for twenty-five students to give them a practical overview of the field...

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

January 14,2014

Right after being formally approved by MOET to offer a PhD program in Computer Science and Business Administration, DTU has become the first and only private university...

Opening of the DTU Youth Research Club

Opening of the DTU Youth Research Club

January 20,2014

The Youth Research Club of the DTU Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, with the motto “Igniting the Passion” officially opened on January 17th. The club will nourish...

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Underprivileged Faculty and Staff

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Underprivileged Faculty and Staff

January 21,2014

On January 20th, the DTU Trade Union presented gifts to twenty-five DTU faculty and staff members with financial hardship. Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost...

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

January 24,2014

On January 23rd, representatives of DTU visited and presented gifts to families in the Cam Le District of Danang, in order to bring Agent Orange victims a happier Tet holiday...

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

January 28,2014

On January 24th and 25th, DTU held a closing ceremony for the first semester of the 2013-2014 academic year...