Tiếng Việt

Tags: đại học Duy Tân

Meeting to Commemorate the 64th Anniversary of Students’ Day

Meeting to Commemorate the 64th Anniversary of Students’ Day

January 10,2014

To recognize the glorious traditions of Vietnamese students and commemorate the 64th anniversary of Students’ Day, the DTU Student Association and Youth Union held a solemn...

2013 Closing Party Conference

2013 Closing Party Conference

January 13,2014

On January 11th, DTU held the 2013 Closing Party Conference and developed plans for 2014. Attendees included Mr. Pham Xuan Thu, a member of the Party Executive Standing Committee...

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

January 14,2014

Right after being formally approved by MOET to offer a PhD program in Computer Science and Business Administration, DTU has become the first and only private university...

DTU Takes Part in the World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality

DTU Takes Part in the World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality

January 25,2014

The Second World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality Research took place from December 15th to 17th. It was co-sponsored by the UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management in Orlando...

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

January 28,2014

On January 24th and 25th, DTU held a closing ceremony for the first semester of the 2013-2014 academic year...

February 17,2014

DTU Student Research Initiatives Seminar

DTU Student Research Initiatives Seminar

March 4,2014

To provide students with a perfect study-environment and help them to practice their research skills, the Creative Youth Club of the DTU Youth Union held a DTU Student Research...

Music Night in the Dormitory

Music Night in the Dormitory

March 22,2014

Students from Danang universities and colleges attended “A Music Festival of Student Dormitory Bands”, at the DMC Dormitory on March 20th...

DTU Competes in the Regional Qualifying Round of Robocon 2014

DTU Competes in the Regional Qualifying Round of Robocon 2014

April 4,2014

The Central and Highland Region Qualifying round of the Vietnam Robot Contest (Robocon) 2014 was held from April the 3rd to 5th at the Physical Education Center of the Danang...

DTU International School Seminars

DTU International School Seminars

April 3,2014

To help students learn more about corporate operations and provide them with career orientation for the future, the DTU International School held several seminars...