Tiếng Việt

Tags: Sinh viên

August 26,2017

DTU Welcomes K23 Students

DTU Welcomes K23 Students

September 14,2017

DTU organized the 2017-2018 academic year Opening Ceremony to welcome K23 students at the Trung Vuong Theatre in Danang city on September 14th...

An Outdoor Meeting to Welcome the New 2017 DTU Students

An Outdoor Meeting to Welcome the New 2017 DTU Students

September 14,2017

An outdoor meeting was held at the DTU Quang Trung campus on September 17th to welcome the new 2017 DTU students. Groups from various faculties participated in activities with the freshmen...

Faculty of Nursing Welcomes K23 Freshmen

Faculty of Nursing Welcomes K23 Freshmen

September 20,2017

On the evening of September 24th, the DTU Faculty of Nursing held a welcoming ceremony for K23 Nursing students. Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Vice-Provost...

K11 Finance and Banking Alumni Reunite at DTU

K11 Finance and Banking Alumni Reunite at DTU

September 30,2017

After eight years, on September 30th, Finance and Banking graduates from 2009 returned to DTU from many parts of Vietnam to share their youthful memories and emotions with lecturers and friends...

Business Start-Up GameShow for Tourism Students

Business Start-Up GameShow for Tourism Students

October 7,2017

On October 7th, 400 Tourism and Hospitality students and 100 members of the DTU Start-Up Community attended a Business Startup Tourism GameShow, which is a part of a series of career...

The Enclave Recruiting Day at DTU

The Enclave Recruiting Day at DTU

October 15,2017

On October 15th, the Enclave Company recruited DTU students for their XI Boot camp XI. 200 IT students from the International School and the IT Faculty attended and Enclave offered...

“Impressive” at DTU Freshman’s Desk Drawing Masterpieces

“Impressive” at DTU Freshman’s Desk Drawing Masterpieces

October 16,2017

Netizens are frantically hunting the artist behind the detailed artistic drawings causing a frenzy on social networks. Surprisedly it is none other but Than Van Tan, who just enrolled for Graphic...

Vinpearl Meets with DTU students

Vinpearl Meets with DTU students

October 17,2017

On October 26th, DTU and the Vinpearl Management Company held a seminar entitled: “An Introduction to Careers at Vinpearl” for students majoring in Tourism and Foreign Languages...

DTU Students Clean up the Beach to Welcome the Upcoming 2017 APEC Summit

DTU Students Clean up the Beach to Welcome the Upcoming 2017 APEC Summit

October 30,2017

On October 28th, 100 DTU students in the American Degree Program (ADP) assembled at the Man Thai fishing village in Son Tra, to clean up the beach in preparation for the 2017 APEC Economic...