Tiếng Việt

Tags: Sinh viên duy tân

An Opportunity for DTU Internships in the USA

An Opportunity for DTU Internships in the USA

August 26,2010

On August 25th, 2010, Mr. Nguyen Cong Minh, DTU Dean of Hospitality and Tourism met with representatives of Work West to explore internship programs in America.   WorkWest is a company promoting a "Work and Travel in America" program for Vietnamese students. It is a member of a cultural exchange program recognized by the government of the United States. The two programs are “Work and Travel” for all DTU students and “Internship and Training” for Tourism and Hospitality students....

Special Seminar for DTU I/T Students.

Special Seminar for DTU I/T Students.

September 16,2010

On September 15th, 2010, the DTU International School, the Faculty of Information Technology, the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications in association with ASUS Vietnam organized a seminar to present new I/T technologies and some programs to teach soft skills and leadership skills to DTU students. Participants included representatives from ASUS Vietnam, Dean of DTU Departments and DTU students. At the seminar, representatives of ASUS presented the latest advances in I/T, to allow...

A New Approach to Information Technology

A New Approach to Information Technology

September 22,2010

From the 21st to the 22nd of September 2010, DTU in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University in the USA held a seminar on “Systems Integration and Network Security” for students studying in the international program. Attending the conference were Dr. John Kang, Director of the Asia Cooperation of CMU, Prof. Shawn Butler, the main speaker and representatives from local companies DTU lecturers and students.   Dr. John Kang awards scholarships to excellent students On the...

A “New School Year” for English students

A “New School Year” for English students

September 28,2010

On September 26th, 2010 at Quang Trung campus, the English Club of Duy Tan University held an extramural activity called “The New School Year” for over 250 students...

September 30,2010

“Humanities-An Important Course for Study”

“Humanities-An Important Course for Study”

September 30,2010

On 29th September 2010, DTU held a conference “Humanities Study for Vietnamese Students Today”. Mr. Le Cong Co, Chairman of the Board of Management and DTU Rector led the conference and emphasized “However difficult, students must be taught Humanities in order to learn how to think and behave in the modern world”.   Mr.Le Cong Co spoke at the conference In recent years, higher education in Vietnam has paid too much attention to professional training but not to ethical education. This...

October 1,2010

New Academic Year Ceremony at DTU

New Academic Year Ceremony at DTU

October 4,2010

On the evening of 2nd October, 2010, a new academic year ceremony was held to warmly welcome the freshmen of 2010-2011. Attending were members of the DTU Management Board, the Board of Rectors, lecturers and students. Mr. Le Cong Co beats the drum to start the new academic year Mr. Le Cong Co, Chairman of the Management Board and Rector of DTU talked about the fields of study, and beat a drum to start the new academic year. He said: “Being a DTU student, you must study hard to...

October 13,2010

October 27,2010