Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTU

May 17,2014

DTU Wins First Prize in Microsoft Mobile HACKATHON 2014

DTU Wins First Prize in Microsoft Mobile HACKATHON 2014

May 19,2014

Young developers worldwide are continually designing innovative software, creating diversified applications to entertain users with technological aspirations. The Microsoft Mobile...

DTU Inaugurates New Web Mobile

DTU Inaugurates New Web Mobile

May 21,2014

The new DTU Web Mobile system was inaugurated on May 20th. It helps users to access detailed information about DTU. DTU Mobile (http://m.duytan.edu.vn) and Enrolment Mobile...

Musical Performance - “Vietnam is a Big Country”

Musical Performance - “Vietnam is a Big Country”

May 19,2014

On May 18th, the DTU Faculty of Humanities and Social Science held a musical performance entitled “Vietnam is a Big Country” to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the liberation of the South to unite the whole country, the 124th birthday of Uncle Ho, the 20th anniversary of DTU’s founding, to demonstrate the love of our nation and our islands.      Dr. Tran Xuan Hiep addresses the event   Dr. Tran Xuan Hiep, Dean of the DTU Faculty of Humanities and Social Science said: “Over...

The DTU 2014 Jobs Fair

The DTU 2014 Jobs Fair

May 22,2014

On May 31st, in collaboration with the Central Vietnam Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper, DTU held the 2014 Jobs Fair. The event is one of DTU’s traditional annual activities...

Training Course on IBM’s Big Data

Training Course on IBM’s Big Data

May 23,2014

From May 12th to 13th, DTU, in collaboration with IBM Vietnam, held a training course on Big Data, which attracted more than forty IT lecturers and staff from universities...

Students of the DTU International School Defend their Theses

Students of the DTU International School Defend their Theses

May 23,2014

From May 20th to 21st, the DTU International School held undergraduate thesis defense committees for K16 students, including thirty-five K16CMU students majoring in Software Technology...

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

The 17th Vietnamese Medicine and Pharmacy Conference

May 28,2014

The 17th Youth Science and Technology conference for Vietnamese medical and pharmacy colleges and universities took place at Vietnam Military Medical University...

DTU with Local Business Community Conference

DTU with Local Business Community Conference

May 28,2014

On May 23rd, DTU held a conference about developing a partnership between DTU and the local business community. The signing ceremony between DTU and SME DATADC Mr. Nguyen Phu Tan...

Let’s Kick-Start Our Careers at the 2014 DTU Jobs Fair

Let’s Kick-Start Our Careers at the 2014 DTU Jobs Fair

June 2,2014

On May 31st, in collaboration with the Central Vietnam Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper, DTU held the 2014 Jobs Fair which attracted forty companies from Danang and surrounding...