Tiếng Việt

Tags: đại học Duy tân

International ISI Papers Published by Vietnamese Universities from 2015 to 2017

International ISI Papers Published by Vietnamese Universities from 2015 to 2017

July 29,2017

Looking more closely, it can be seen the publications these five leading universities can be differentiated from the remaining ones, by totaling double the number of the next fifteen universities...

DTU Offers Multimedia Communications Program in 2017

DTU Offers Multimedia Communications Program in 2017

August 5,2017

This year, with the approval of the Ministry of Education and Training, DTU became the first private university in Vietnam to offer a Multimedia Communications program. Social Science...

July 18,2017

The DTU 2017 Scientific Conference

The DTU 2017 Scientific Conference

August 20,2017

The conference enabled large numbers of DTU staff, lecturers and associates to meet and present their most important research over the last five years. Much of the conference...

The 2017 Top Ten Vietnamese Universities Announced

The 2017 Top Ten Vietnamese Universities Announced

September 6,2017

A group of researchers and Tia Sang magazine - under the guidance of the Ministry of Science & Technology, recently published a ranking of the 10 leading universities of Vietnam...

Top Ten Universities in Vietnam Announced

Top Ten Universities in Vietnam Announced

September 6,2017

According to the researchers, large national institutions, old regional universities and universities with a high number of publications in international ISI-listed journals, like Duy Tan University...

September 6,2017

DTU Valedictorian in Pharmacology Scores 26.15 in the National High School Exam

DTU Valedictorian in Pharmacology Scores 26.15 in the National High School Exam

September 7,2017

Ngoc Trinh loves Chemistry and often discusses it online with friends. On Facebook, she has learned about unfortunate, hospitalized people who suffer from prolonged, incurable diseases...

September 7,2017

The 2017-2018 Academic Year Opening Ceremony

The 2017-2018 Academic Year Opening Ceremony

September 15,2017

In 2016-2017, meeting 52 of the 61 criteria and an overall score of 85.25%, DTU officially became the first private university in Vietnam to receive a Certificate of National Education...