Tiếng Việt

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DTU’s New Book Collection “In Response to Our Nation’s Appeal”

DTU’s New Book Collection “In Response to Our Nation’s Appeal”

March 30,2012

DTU held a press conference on March 29th to introduce the book collection entitled “In Response to the Nation’s appeal”. The local media, reporters and members...

April 5,2012

April 5,2012

April 9,2012

The DTU O Thuoc Bridge Building Contest

The DTU O Thuoc Bridge Building Contest

April 9,2012

On 8th April, 2012, the first “O Thuoc Bridge Building” contest took place at DTU Campus. This playground was for students at high school and universities in Danang to show...

April 10,2012

DTU’s E-Learning Course Opens in Ho Chi Minh City

DTU’s E-Learning Course Opens in Ho Chi Minh City

April 11,2012

On April 7th, an opening ceremony of DTU’s new E-Learning Course was held in Ho Chi Minh City. Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Vice Rector and Mr. Vinh Thang, The Gioi Moi Magazine Chief...

Geotechnics Seminar at DTU

Geotechnics Seminar at DTU

April 12,2012

A geotechnics seminar was held at DTU, in association with AA Consulting Center and the Danang Geotechnics Association. Representatives from the Central Vietnam Society...

The DTU Entrance Exam to Advanced Programs

The DTU Entrance Exam to Advanced Programs

April 16,2012

On April 15, the DTU Board of Rectors presented information on advanced programs at DTU and then held an exam for interested students. Dr. Le Nguyen Bao, DTU Vice-Rector...

A New Partnership for DTU

A New Partnership for DTU

April 16,2012

On April 12, the I/T Faculty and the International School welcomed Mr. Hans Duisters, CEO of the Sioux Group, Mr. Le Van Viet, Softtech Vice-Director and Mr. Le Minh Hung...