Tiếng Việt

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DTU Teaching Quality meets Social Requirements

DTU Teaching Quality meets Social Requirements

January 2,2013

In recent years, society has become more and more concerned about academic teaching quality. Many universities have steadily improved their teaching methods to meet these...

Mr. Le Cong Co talks with DTU members on “A Passion for the Nation”

Mr. Le Cong Co talks with DTU members on “A Passion for the Nation”

January 7,2013

On January 5th, a meeting titled “A Passion for the Nation” took place at DTU, led by Mr. Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost, with attendees from the DTU Youth Union...

January 7,2013

January 8,2013

President Truong Tan Sang Visits DTU

President Truong Tan Sang Visits DTU

January 11,2013

A Politburo delegation led by President Truong Tan Sang paid a visit to DTU to attend the 63rd Anniversary of Vietnamese Students’ Day and the Vietnamese Student Association...

December 19,2012

Graduation Ceremony for Students of the DTU Second Degree Program

Graduation Ceremony for Students of the DTU Second Degree Program

January 15,2013

A graduation ceremony for B16 second degree students was held at DTU on 13th January. The attendees included Mr. Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost, Professor Le Duc Toan...

DTU to Participate in the 2013 Biotech Conference in Hanoi

DTU to Participate in the 2013 Biotech Conference in Hanoi

January 21,2013

The Ministry of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, held a Biotech conference from the 14th to the 17th...

Training on CDIO at DTU

Training on CDIO at DTU

January 23,2013

A training course on CDIO was recently held at DTU, lead by Associate Professor Dr. Le Hoai Bac, Vice-Dean of Information Technology at the University of Natural Sciences...

January 24,2013