Tiếng Việt

Tags: duy tân

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

DTU Holds the Opening of the 1st Doctoral and the 9th Master’s course

January 14,2014

Right after being formally approved by MOET to offer a PhD program in Computer Science and Business Administration, DTU has become the first and only private university...

DTU Takes Part in the World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality

DTU Takes Part in the World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality

January 25,2014

The Second World Summit for Tourism and Hospitality Research took place from December 15th to 17th. It was co-sponsored by the UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management in Orlando...

Opening of the DTU Youth Research Club

Opening of the DTU Youth Research Club

January 20,2014

The Youth Research Club of the DTU Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, with the motto “Igniting the Passion” officially opened on January 17th. The club will nourish...

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

DTU Visits Agent Orange Victims

January 24,2014

On January 23rd, representatives of DTU visited and presented gifts to families in the Cam Le District of Danang, in order to bring Agent Orange victims a happier Tet holiday...

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

The First Semester of 2013-2014 Closing

January 28,2014

On January 24th and 25th, DTU held a closing ceremony for the first semester of the 2013-2014 academic year...

DTU with Learning Express, On the Road to ASEAN Integration

DTU with Learning Express, On the Road to ASEAN Integration

February 13,2014

In preparation for admission to the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015, ten countries have been working hard to create an open and dynamic environment. Their educational systems offer broad opportunities to access advanced technologies, experience real-life issues and improve awareness of community development and other cultures. Learning Express, initiated by Singapore Polytechnic in 2011, is an innovative international social program. Having understood the important role of Learning Express in...

February 17,2014

DTU Students Reach the Finals of the 2014 VMAC Contest

DTU Students Reach the Finals of the 2014 VMAC Contest

March 1,2014

The practical and new idea of HEPTM (Handling Electronic Parking Tickets Machine) by DTU’s CEE - R&P team bypassed 58 teams from other companies, universities and colleges nationwide...

DTU Student Research Initiatives Seminar

DTU Student Research Initiatives Seminar

March 4,2014

To provide students with a perfect study-environment and help them to practice their research skills, the Creative Youth Club of the DTU Youth Union held a DTU Student Research...

DTU Applies New IBM Technology in Education

DTU Applies New IBM Technology in Education

April 16,2014

One hundred years of creativity, innovation, and implementation made IBM the biggest multinational technology and consulting company in the world. The latest IBM technology...