Tiếng Việt

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January 20,2013

The Software Requirements Engineering Course Closing Ceremony

The Software Requirements Engineering Course Closing Ceremony

January 26,2013

On January 25th, the Software Requirements Engineering course, jointly run by DTU and Da Nang’s Management Board as a part of its Information Technology and Communications...

“Students and Their Love of the Vietnamese Islands” Competition at DTU

“Students and Their Love of the Vietnamese Islands” Competition at DTU

January 29,2013

On January 27th, a competition entitled: “Students and their love of the Vietnamese Islands” was held in collaboration with the DTU Youth Union and the Danang Youth Association...

Amdocs to Look for Highly-Qualified Personnel at Duy Tan

Amdocs to Look for Highly-Qualified Personnel at Duy Tan

February 2,2013

On January 30th, a delegation from Amdocs led by Mrs. Smadar Lazarovitz, the Amdocs representative in Viet Nam visited Duy Tan University. Amdocs is the leading provider...

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Unfortunate Faculty and Staff

The DTU Trade Union Meets with Unfortunate Faculty and Staff

February 3,2013

On February1st, the DTU Trade Union held a meeting to present gifts to twenty-three DTU faculty and staff with economic difficulties. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh, DTU Vice-Provost...

An Advanced Practical Cooking Course for DTU Lecturers

An Advanced Practical Cooking Course for DTU Lecturers

February 5,2013

Upon completion of in a seven-day Food and Banquet training course, the faculty of the DTU Hospitality department and Vocational School lecturers practiced preparing 5-star...

First Semester Closing Ceremony at DTU

First Semester Closing Ceremony at DTU

February 18,2013

On February 6th, a closing ceremony for the first semester of academic year 2012-2013 was held at DTU. This was an opportunity for the DTU Provosts, the Management Board and more than...

Devotion to the Future of DTU

Devotion to the Future of DTU

February 19,2013

Red envelopes with lucky money were given by Board of Trustees and DTU Provosts to DTU faculty and staff on the first working day after the Tet holidays, creating a warm...

Love, Spirit and Evils

Love, Spirit and Evils

February 22,2013

Human beings are living creatures with an awareness about themselves and their surroundings. Everyone born at any time, anywhere, under any circumstances wants to survive and...

A Meeting between Former Teachers and Students of the Tran Quy Cap High School in Hoi An

A Meeting between Former Teachers and Students of the Tran Quy Cap High School in Hoi An

February 26,2013

On February 23rd, former teachers and students of the Tran Quy Cap High School in Hoi An met at DTU. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Mr. Le Cong Co, DTU Provost and Head...