Tiếng Việt

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The Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Offers to Partner with DTU

The Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Offers to Partner with DTU

March 5,2013

A delegation from the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), led by Associate Professor Jack Y.P Wang-Dean of the STUST Department of International...

Opening Ceremony of DTU’s e-Learning Course in Danang

Opening Ceremony of DTU’s e-Learning Course in Danang

March 4,2013

The DTU e-Learning Center held an opening ceremony for the X19 e-Learning Course on March 3rd. This special DTU academic program allows students from all over Vietnam to earn their...

March 11,2013

DTU Holds a Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Services Workshop

DTU Holds a Tourism and Hospitality Marketing Services Workshop

March 19,2013

A workshop on Marketing Services for the Tourism and Hospitality industry was held on March 16th, which attracted an audience of more than 200 lecturers and students from the DTU...

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Dinh Thien Presents to DTU students

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Dinh Thien Presents to DTU students

March 22,2013

“Vietnam’s Current Socio-Economic Situation” was the topic of a 3-hour talk delivered by Associate Pro Dr. Tran Dinh Thien, Director of the Institute of Economics...

The Institute of Information and Technology visits DTU

The Institute of Information and Technology visits DTU

March 22,2013

On March 21st 2013, a delegation from the Institute of Information and Technology (IOIT), led by Associate Professor Dr. Thai Quang Vinh, Director of the Institute, visited DTU...

The Master’s Program in Calculation Techniques in Mechanics at Bochum University

The Master’s Program in Calculation Techniques in Mechanics at Bochum University

March 28,2013

On 27th March, 2013, Professor Le Khanh Chau from Bochum University in the Federal Republic of Germany visited DTU to talk about their Master’s program in Calculation Techniques...

The Singapore Polytechnic Cements its Friendship with DTU

The Singapore Polytechnic Cements its Friendship with DTU

April 4,2013

On April 3rd, at the Village of Hope, DTU and the Singapore Polytechnic students held a ceremony to hand-over the renovation work completed on the playground and railings there”...

DTU Lecturers Attend the 2013 International LatiCE Conference

DTU Lecturers Attend the 2013 International LatiCE Conference

April 4,2013

From March 22-24th, seventy representatives from institutes and universities in 19 countries, including: Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Germany, France, China, Taiwan, Malaysia...

The DTU Robocon Team’s Impressive First Round Performance

The DTU Robocon Team’s Impressive First Round Performance

April 6,2013

As soon as the DTU-Warrior team had shot the first leaf into the Moon, the Tien Son Sports and Entertainment Complex exploded with shouts of joy from the audience, who have a passion for Robocon Competitions. The impressive wins of the DTU-Warrior and the DTU Veyron teams in the first round performance of the 2013 Central Region of Vietnam Robocon Competition gave the 8 DTU Robocon teams the opportunity to look forward to victory this year. On the morning of April 4th, the opening...