Tiếng Việt

Tags: Đại học Duy tân

Launch of the Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Journal

Launch of the Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Journal

August 27,2018

The journal will focus on the design, analysis and deployment of information systems and smart industrial networks. The research topics covered in the journal will relate to the development of technologies essential for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Vietnam...

August 27,2018

The 9th Vietnam - Korea Green Chemistry Conference

The 9th Vietnam - Korea Green Chemistry Conference

August 28,2018

With the theme “Better life with green chemistry through cooperation of Vietnam and Korea”, the conference is an occasion for scientists from Vietnam, Korea, Thailand and Russia to share their research achievements in green chemistry...

August 28,2018

Research report: Risks and Treatment of Parasitic Fluke Worm Infection through Food

Research report: Risks and Treatment of Parasitic Fluke Worm Infection through Food

August 26,2018

On August 22nd, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hung from the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, reported on the risks and prevention of parasitic fluke worm infection through food at DTU. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Minh...

DTU Hosts the 9th Vietnam-Korea Green Chemistry Conference

DTU Hosts the 9th Vietnam-Korea Green Chemistry Conference

August 28,2018

On August 27th, DTU hold the 9th Vietnam-Korea Green Chemistry Conference attracting around 100 specialists and chemists. This year’s topic is “Better life with green chemistry through collaboration of Vietnam and Korea”. The conference allowed Vietnamese, Korean...

August 27,2018

Developing DTU to Become the Best University on Internationalized Model

Developing DTU to Become the Best University on Internationalized Model

August 30,2018

Mr. Truong Quang Nghia, a Party Central Committee Member and Danang Party Secretary, had a meeting at DTU on August 25. Mr. Dang Viet Dung, a City Party Committee member and Vice-Chairman of the Danang People’s Committee and heads of other government departments also attended...

DTU Launches the Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Journal

DTU Launches the Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Journal

August 27,2018

On August 25, Duy Tan University launched the Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Journal, published jointly by the European Alliance for Innovation and Duy Tan University. Professor Trung Q. Duong of Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, Editor, Deputy Editor...

Vietnam - Korea Collaboration in Green Chemistry Development

Vietnam - Korea Collaboration in Green Chemistry Development

August 29,2018

That is what the 9th Vietnam–Korea Green Chemistry Conference is about. This year’s topic is “Better life with green chemistry through cooperation of Vietnam and Korea”, and the conference is held at DTU, from August 26 to 29. The conference is held annually, alternating between Vietnam and South Korea...