Tiếng Việt

Tags: DTu

DTU Hosts the Global Understandings Forum

DTU Hosts the Global Understandings Forum

August 17,2015

On August 3rd and 4th, DTU hosted the Global Understandings Forum, attended by representatives from educational institutions in America, China...

DTU Participates in the 1st P2A Student Ambassadors Workshop and Forum

DTU Participates in the 1st P2A Student Ambassadors Workshop and Forum

August 18,2015

The 1st Passage to ASEAN (P2A) Student Ambassadors Workshop and Forum took place from August 2nd, to 6th, at Mahasarakham University in Thailand...

The First International Summer School at DTU

The First International Summer School at DTU

August 19,2015

More than fifty Master’s degree graduates from universities nationwide attended the first International Summer School, from August 18th to 21st at DTU...

A DTU Cultural Exchange Program with the Universitas Islam Indonesia

A DTU Cultural Exchange Program with the Universitas Islam Indonesia

August 19,2015

On August 22nd, DTU students met with a student delegation from the Universitas Islam Indonesia, as part of P2A Journey, an ASEAN mobility program to enhance solidarity and awareness...

DTU Students Awarded Consolation Prize in Floral Display and Lighting Decoration Contest

DTU Students Awarded Consolation Prize in Floral Display and Lighting Decoration Contest

August 19,2015

On July 30th, the Danang Department of Construction awarded a consolation prize to DTU students of Faculty of Architecture for their submission "Danang Reaching Out"

Business Management during Climate Change Seminar

Business Management during Climate Change Seminar

August 27,2015

On August 29th, DTU collaborated with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in Danang to hold a seminar on Business Management during Climate Change...

DTU Hosts the 2015 Potential CPA Contest

DTU Hosts the 2015 Potential CPA Contest

August 28,2015

To provide a stimulating challenge for students, the DTU Faculty of Accounting will hold the “2015 Potential CPA Contest”, in conjunction with the Faculty of Accounting...

DTU Awards 800 Million VND to a Graduate Student of the Le Thanh Tong High School for the Gifted

DTU Awards 800 Million VND to a Graduate Student of the Le Thanh Tong High School for the Gifted

September 6,2015

On September 5th, DTU leaders and lecturers visited the Le Thanh Tong High School for the Gifted in Hoi An, in Quang Nam Province, to commemorate the opening...

DTU Hosts the 2nd Scientific Conference on Electricity, Telecommunications and Automation

DTU Hosts the 2nd Scientific Conference on Electricity, Telecommunications and Automation

September 5,2015

On September 5th, the DTU Faculty of Electrical Engineering hosted the 2nd Scientific Conference on Electricity, Telecommunications and Automation...

The DTU Vocational School Welcomes New N21 Students

The DTU Vocational School Welcomes New N21 Students

September 4,2015

On September 6th, exciting musical performances and games created a warm atmosphere to welcome the new N21 students of the DTU Vocational school at DTU...