Tiếng Việt

Tags: duy tân

“Code for a Better Life” Seminar

“Code for a Better Life” Seminar

June 5,2016

On June 2nd, the DTU Faculty of Information Technology and SIOUX Vietnam held a seminar entitled “Code for a Better Life”. Mr. Nguyen Huy, General Director of SIOUX Vietnam...

The DTU Nursing Program

The DTU Nursing Program

July 21,2016

Since 2009, DTU has become well-known for graduating qualified professionals into the local health sector. Recently the university added two new programs...

September 1,2016

A Meeting with the Japanese ICT Delegation

A Meeting with the Japanese ICT Delegation

September 12,2016

On September 9th, a delegation of 160 representatives from 37 Japanese ICT enterprises visited DTU to collaborate on ICT training, as part of the “Japan - Danang Investment Collaboration...

Blood Donation Day at DTU

Blood Donation Day at DTU

September 18,2016

On September 22nd, the DTU Youth Union partnered with the Danang Hospital to donate blood for the sickand to increase student community awareness...

A DTU Student Participates in the 2016 P2A ASEAN Cultural Sport Fest in Thailand

A DTU Student Participates in the 2016 P2A ASEAN Cultural Sport Fest in Thailand

October 6,2016

From September 17th to 23rd, Le Tu Dung, a DTU International School student, took part in the 2016 P2A ASEAN Cultural Sport Fest at Mahasarakham University in Thailand...

Partnership Agreement with the University of Koblenz-Landau in Germany

Partnership Agreement with the University of Koblenz-Landau in Germany

November 7,2016

An agreement for a cooperative DTU Master’s degree program, with a major in Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation Management, known as the ETI-M Program...

A Discussion with Universitas Islam Indonesia

A Discussion with Universitas Islam Indonesia

November 4,2016

On November 4th, DTU held an informal meeting with the Universitas Islam of Indonesia (UII). Representatives from Indonesia, Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President...

November 25,2016

A Fulbright Program Introductory Seminar

A Fulbright Program Introductory Seminar

December 20,2016

On December 17th, a Fulbright Program introductory seminar was held at DTU, with representatives of the Fulbright Program, Fulbright Scholar alumni and DTU lecturers...