Tiếng Việt

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Opening Meeting of the DTU Tourism Faculty’s “Danang Student Tourism Organization”

Opening Meeting of the DTU Tourism Faculty’s “Danang Student Tourism Organization”

December 10,2013

The opening meeting of the “Danang Student Touris Organization-DSTO" was held on December 8th. The organization aims to create an environment for students to practice what they...

The First Anniversary of the Founding of the DTU Faculty of Pharmacology

The First Anniversary of the Founding of the DTU Faculty of Pharmacology

December 17,2013

The DTU Faculty of Pharmacology celebrated its first anniversary on December 14th. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost and lecturers...

More Job Opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU CMU Students

More Job Opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU CMU Students

December 19,2013

For students to learn more about career opportunities, the DTU International School held a meeting entitled: “Job opportunities at F-Soft Danang for DTU Students...

Cultural Exchange Workshop between DTU Students and P2A IBI Darmajaya

Cultural Exchange Workshop between DTU Students and P2A IBI Darmajaya

December 20,2013

As part of the P2A program, a cultural exchange workshop was held at DTU for the P2A IBI Darmajaya delegation from Indonesia on December 19th. Family life, education...

Commemoration of the 69th Anniversary of Vietnamese Soldiers’ Day

Commemoration of the 69th Anniversary of Vietnamese Soldiers’ Day

December 23,2013

On December 22nd, DTU commemorated the 69th Anniversary of Vietnamese Soldiers’ Day (1944-2013). Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, DTU President and Provost...

The Opening of the X19 e-Learning Course

The Opening of the X19 e-Learning Course

December 24,2013

On December 22nd, DTU held the opening of the X19 e-learning program course. Attendees included Distinguished Teacher Le Cong Co, the DTU Provost and President, lecturers...

“The Science and the Buddhism of the Universe” Lecture at DTU

“The Science and the Buddhism of the Universe” Lecture at DTU

December 26,2013

“How do we look at the Universe in terms of science and Buddhism?” was the title of a lecture given by Dr. Nguyen Tuong Bach at DTU on December 26th. The lecture captured...

DTU Meets with Delegations from KIAS and INHA Universities

DTU Meets with Delegations from KIAS and INHA Universities

December 30,2013

DTU met with delegations from the Korea Institute for Advance Study, KIAS, and with INHA University of Korea on December 27th. Attendees included Professor Jaewan Kim...

Meeting K19 students

Meeting K19 students

December 31,2013

DTU held meetings with K19 students from December 10th to 30th to announce their results for the first semester and to develop plans for the second. Attendees included representatives...

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

Graduation Ceremony for B17 students of the DTU Second Degree Program

December 31,2013

On December 29th, DTU held a graduation ceremony for B17 Second Degree students. Attendees included Mr. Nguyen Huu Phu, DTU Vice-Provost and Head of Academic Affairs...